
Organisers of the Protest against the 6.9 million population white paper held their fourth protest at Hong Lim Park on Saturday (31 January) and marked the 2nd year anniversary of the anti-immigration policy protest held in 16 February 2013.

Around 500 individuals turned up for the event to hear speakers talk about national issues surrounding immigration policy.

Main organiser for the event, Gilbert Goh from Transitioning.org said that originally there was supposed to be 10 speakers but eventually only 5 turned up. He attributed this to the ongoing court case of Han Hui Hui and Roy Ngerng over the CPF protest event last year.

Gilbert Goh also spoke about his 5 hour interview by the police for investigation for a charge of inciting violence and forgery on his proposed event at Ngee Ann City. The event was to protest against the holding of the Philippine Independence day which was also supposed to be held at the same venue. However, the event was called off as the independence day celebration was cancelled in the end.

Mr Goh said that though no official charge has being filed against him yet, but the whole matter did took a toil on him personally. Mr Goh said that if he is to be charged by the police, he is unable to organise future protests and beseech more to come up to voice out on issues and take up an active role in organising events.

Mary Goh, a 74 year old retired teacher said she is speaking at the protest despite the warnings by her family and friends and emphasised to the crowd that there was nothing to fear. She brought up issues about foreigners depressing wages and how companies favor low paying wage workers. Mdm Goh also touched on how the government failed on its immigrant policy, “If you want to employ some body else, you want an influx of foreigners. You need to prepare us, you don’t just dump them on us.”

Mina, a single mother spoke about how her marriage was affected when her husband went into depression and started drinking after losing his high paying job to a foreigner.

Osman Sulaiman, activist and member of opposition party, National Solidarity Party, speaking in his personal capacity said that Singaporeans are displaced by the very people the government is saying to be contributing to the economy and the immigration policy is creating an artificial demand on housing and therefore, inflates the housing price for the locals.

Mr Goh said to media that Transitioning.org will carry out annual protests on February and May to commemorate the anniversary of the population white paper protest and the Mayday protest.

The organisers shared that they had collected close to $2500 from yesterday’s donation and will use part of the money to defray the expenses for the protest event. Another part of it will be apportioned for the charity event that Transitioning.org will be holding on 15 February at Chinatown.

While some may view support in physical presence for the protest against immigration are dwindling down but negative sentiments on the sanctioned influx of foreign immigrants for economical purpose by the state has not subsided in any way. Online comments on national issues and events are often focused on the effects of the immigration policy and at times crossing the boundaries of being xenophobic in nature.

Video of the protest event

[youtube id=”tnA8nmz5x14″ align=”center” mode=”normal”]
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选举落幕已一个月 林绍权风波待彻查

我国2020选举在7月10日尘埃落定,距今已过了一个月之久。 当然热闹的选举少不了话题性事件,其中就包括人民行动党推出的候选人林绍权,被网民揭发实为一名“精英主义”者,在武装部队服务时“似乎高高在上”;也被嘲讽林实则“自私”、“固执”,有时还很“好练”。 尽管行动党领袖们曾试着平息此议题,包括副总理王瑞杰曾表示,当事人不妨“自己站出来澄清”。谁能料到“林绍权风波”愈演愈烈,林俨然已成为“票房毒药”,在反对声浪中,林绍权选择退选。 行动党甄选机制出问题了吗? 针对林绍权风波,建国总理李光耀之子李显扬,曾点评行动党对本身的甄选机制“感到自豪”,“不清楚他们是否真不知这些议题(网民对林绍权的指控);如果他们知道,显然没有为此做好应对准备;如果不知情,那就该忧虑遴选候选人过程是否不够全面。” 6月29日,总理曾表示,将会在大选结束后针对林绍权风波,进行彻查。 李显龙曾表示要彻查 选举期间,他表示暂不会对此事展开调查,但也不会让林绍权的名誉被网民所污蔑,让这件事永久影响他。“这对他是不公平的,也会设下先例,让网民以为他们可以通过社交媒体,抹杀一个人的名誉。” 他也指责,网络“审判”准候选人的风气不可长。 若不是因为网络民众的爆料造成轩然大波,也许林绍权能顺利参与竞选。他将随同国务资政尚达曼,上阵裕廊集选区,且有很大可能在尚达曼的高民望和胜算的加持下,顺利的入住国会。

明晚需停业,夜店办“告别”派对? 旅游局提醒警将到场监督

新加坡旅游局、企业发展局以及警方发出联合文告,提醒在26日晚之前,夜店业者仍需遵守目前的措施,包括禁250人以上的活动、确保参与者保持安全距离、避免聚集等。 “对于未能遵守措施者我们将毫不手软采取行动。” 跨政府部门抗疫工作小组是在昨日宣布一系列新措施,包括所有娱乐场所:戏院、酒吧、夜总会、夜店、剧院和卡拉OK等将从26日晚起需停业,预计禁令将维持至下月30日。若疫情仍未好转将可能延长实施期限。 不过,文告中提及,当局发现有一些夜店经营者,打算在今晚(25日)举办“告别”活动,这可能吸引大量人群聚集。 为此,文告强调上述政府举措的用意,就是要减少形成本地感染群的风险。 当局提醒从现在起至26日晚上11时59分期间,夜店业者受促保持严谨社交距离措施,也禁止超过250人的活动。 “即时少于250人,也应落实所有预防措施,包括保持至少一米距离,也减少参与者聚集一起。” 当局提醒,当局可执法确保业者遵守上述安全措施,政府部门官员包括警方未来两天都会到场监督。交警也会全岛执法,打击酒驾行为。 当局也呼吁,希望国人作出理智判断和尽社会责任,确保国人在全球疫情危机下度过难关。 截至昨日,本地累计确诊病558例,死亡病例两例。

丈夫心脏病骤逝 被指没呈报病历无法索赔

德士司机因心脏病身亡,申请家庭保障计划(Home Protection Scheme)赔偿,却被告知无法索赔,理由是他在购买HPS时,未呈报患有糖尿病和心脏疾病。 德士司机佘春华的遗孀李悦,昨日在《联合早报》撰文分享的经历,引起网民愤慨:李悦称,其丈夫在五个月前载送客人,在高速公路行驶时心脏骤停,但仍用尽最后一口气把德士停在路边,车子和客人毫发无伤。 李悦在这篇题为《我们家的悲凉中秋》表示,丈夫被送到加护病房,她挣扎着是否够负担医药费,最后只好选择拔管送走了丈夫。 面对丧夫之痛,邻居提醒她仍可向家庭保障计划索赔,还能保住房子。公积金局官员也安慰她,已展开索赔程序,不过仍要按时缴交每月1100元的房贷。好心人借了5千元给她,才勉强撑到今天。 但是,临近中秋节时,她却收到公积金来信,指佘春华当初购买HPS,没有呈报患有糖尿病和心脏病,不能索偿,结果李悦只领到公积金局退回的269.46元保费余额。 “信政府才签下保单” “我丈夫是在建屋局签下HPS的,如果有关人员询问,他不会故意隐瞒自己有慢性疾病病史,医院有记录,他也隐瞒不了。现在承保方如何证明签购HPS时已经询问他的健康状况,如何证明已经解释有关条款?当他走进政府部门大门时,他相信这份保险是政府提供的一份保障,跟政府签文件无需怀疑,现在人走了,还落个“不实”的语垢。” 佘春华的HPS保费在去年涨至1382.16元,李悦认为假设丈夫还在世,可能还继续交保费,保那根本不会兑现的海市蜃楼。 德士公司只保车和“活跃”司机 另一方面,德士公司的“效率和冷静”也让李悦感到心寒。她指出,丈夫逝世后,德士公司便来函说已拖回德士,惟找不到车钥匙,还被索讨了25.58元的“修理费”。…


根据民主党文告,该党在周日(4日)早上,积极走访五个选区:武吉巴督、裕华和武吉班让单选区,以及荷兰-武吉知马和马西岭-油池集选区。 在接受媒体采访时,民主党秘书长徐顺全再次呼吁,反对党各党须协调行动和策略来应对来届选举。 徐顺全向其他反对党伸出橄榄枝,也与此前新加坡前进党陈清木的发言不谋而合。在上周六(3日)的前进党推介礼上,针对与会者提问,陈清木透露曾和其他政党讨论过,因为最终大家必须组成一个团队合作。 徐顺全形容,为打破人民行动党对国会的强势掌控这个共同目标,各党之间的分歧与之相比微不足道。 他说,重要的是,反对党以及其所提出的政策献议,必须让选民感到有信心,而投下神圣一票。 在去年7月,民主党也召开的午餐聚会,会见本土七个反对党成员,现任新加坡前进党秘书长陈清木也受邀出席。 去年10月,民主党也和反对党成员召开会员,一边商讨合作事宜。 与此同时,民主党也致力吸纳青年心血。据《今日报》报导,民主党率先介绍两张新面孔,他们是32岁的社区助理Fadly Azad,以及34岁的市场传播专家Min Cheong。 Min Cheong在受访时强调年前国人关注的议题:有意义的工作机会、居住成本居高不下、以及与外籍PMET的不平等竞争现象。…