Mr Khan Osman Sulaiman

osman Sulaiman

Osman Sulaiman, activist and member of opposition party, National Solidarity Party has shared online, a police report which he made about him being tracked by suspicious individuals.

In his note, he shares that he have been followed by a black Toyota car for a few times and that he confirmed that it was indeed shadowing his movement after some deliberate actions to test it out.

In another incident, he shares that 3 different vehicles were used to follow him around.

This is in fact, the second attempt by Osman to make a report. The first time, the police officer also did not want to record his statement but instead asking him to call and speak to the officer. So this time round, he told them that he wanted it on record.

He deducted that it might be due to his involvement in the Gaza solidarity event at Hong Lim Park which had attracted the attention of authorities.

[youtube id=”BVg4PE1YcHM” align=”center” mode=”normal”]

Osman at Hong Lim Park for the event, “In Solidarity with Gaza”

Osman shares of his experience, of how it affected him and what made him make the police report.

Initially, I was very much fearful. But the fears quickly turned to being annoyed. What have I done to deserve being followed like a criminal? Was it my political background? Or was it for being outspoken on Palestinian issues. Either way, there’s nothing criminal for doing both. In fact, by them doing this, it strengthened my resolve to continue and do what is right within the laws of the land.

“The police didnt classify anything. But i believe its harassment and endangering my life as the natural reaction for someone being followed is to shake them off. In doing so, it was a dangerous situation as these officers wouldnt let me out of sight.

The latest incident i didnt get to note down the vehicle number as it was totally new vehicle that followed me.” said Osman.

It is not uncommon for activists, members of opposition parties and people involved in civil societies to be followed by authorities in Singapore.

As seen in the video below, activist and former Singapore Democratic Party candidate, Vincent Wijeysingha was followed by plain clothes policemen after taking part in a candlelight vigil at Little India for Sakthivel Kumaravelu who died from a traffic accident.

[youtube id=”UPF2yjBAr10″ align=”center” mode=”normal”]


Below is Osman’s facebook note in full

Some of you may have known from my previous posting that i was followed by people whom I believe to be the police. Whether it’s the ISD or the CID, it doesn’t matter. What matters more is the reason why I was being followed.

A few friends were kind enough to msg me personally and ask if there’s anything serious. They were concern of my well being. Some had thought that I was just imagining things. No I wasn’t. I am very clear on this.

Prior to yesterday’s incident, I had always been followed by a black Toyota Mark X, bearing the number plate SJW3696H. I only realized that I was being shadowed sometime after my GAZA event at Hong Lim Park. I don’t know how many times exactly I was being followed but I can say for sure I was shadowed at least 4 times by this same vehicle on different days.

On why I was certain that it wasn’t just my imagination:

I made a few manoeuvres which doesn’t make sense if one is driving normally. I made 2 consecutive U-turns. I slowed down to a crawling pace. I accelerated at will. I parked by the side of the road. I wasted a couple of dollars to enter and exit from a shopping centre car park. All the time, the vehicle followed my route.

The last time I saw the black Toyota Mark X was on 31 Dec 2014 when I attended SDP’s event at Thomson. Yesterday’s incident involved 3 different vehicles. 2 cars and one bike. It was surprising that they would actually deploy such manpower over an individual like me.

Initially, I was very much fearful. But the fears quickly turned to being annoyed. What have I done to deserve being followed like a criminal? Was it my political background? Or was it for being outspoken on Palestinian issues. Either way, there’s nothing criminal for doing both. In fact, by them doing this, it strengthened my resolve to continue and do what is right within the laws of the land.

I have made a police report about the incident yesterday. As a citizen, I have every right to know why am I under such scrutiny. What suspicions have they got to encroach on the rights of an individual and compromise my privacy.

I wish to understand this from their points of view and meet with these officers to get a clearer picture. They are not going to silence me by these cheap tactics. I will soon write in to MHA and request for an audience with the appropriate officers. If need be, I shall camp outside their office as this involve my safety.

osman police report

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