ravi and royHuman rights lawyer M Ravi, who is defending blogger Roy Ngerng against Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong for defamation, plans to appeal for the courts to set aside the scheduled summary judgement, and instead sort out whether the Prime Minister and his press secretary, Ms Chang Li-Lin, are in breach of the Ministerial Code.

Ms Chang has earlier issued a media statement, apparently acting on behalf of PM Lee, claiming that Mr Ngerng had declined to be cross examined.

A flurry of media statements ensued from both Mr Ravi and the Prime Minister’s Office, with Mr Ravi questioning if Ms Chang was representing PM Lee as the Prime Minister of Singapore – his public service role – or as a private citizen, which had been the basis of the defamation suit.

“Incidentally, as this is purportedly a private law suit brought by the Prime Minister in his personal capacity, can you explain why you as a Civil Servant holding the official title of Press Secretary to the Prime Minister would be issuing press releases on behalf of a private litigant?” queried Mr Ravi. “I ask this in all earnestness in order to understand whether you intend me to understand that the real Plaintiff is the Prime Minister in his capacity as Prime Minister.”

Ms Chang has responded that “Mr Ngerng falsely alleged that “the plaintiff, the Prime Minister of Singapore… is guilty of criminal misappropriation of the monies paid by Singaporeans to the CPF”. It is therefore entirely proper for me to deal with this matter as the Prime Minister’s Press Secretary.”

“Even my trainee lawyer could understand that the PM’s press secretary was in breach of Section 4.3 of the Ministerial Code and the PM is in breach of the same section being subject to the same guidelines of the Public Service Commission,” wrote M Ravi in a statement to media.

“A declaration will be sought in the High Court subsequently to determine the ambit of the said Section 4.3 and if both the PM and his Press Secretary are in breach of this code the PSC should investigate this matter and dismiss both of them.”

Statement in full from L F Violet Netto, Mr Ravi’s firm.

Dear members of the media,

I refer to the above application captioned under reference to set aside the summary judgment issued against my client Roy Ngerng. As the public is aware, the Prime Minister’s press secretary had been embroiled in the saga relating to whether the PM is sueing Roy in his capacity as PM or in his private capacity. Even my trainee lawyer could understand that the PM’s press secretary was in breach of 4.3 of the Ministerial Code and the PM is in breach of the same section being subject to the same guidelines of the Public Service Commission.

A declaration will be sought in the High Court subsequently to determine the ambit of the said Section 4.3 and if both the PM and his Press Secretary are in breach of this code the PSC should investigate this matter and dismiss both of them. Should the PSC not exercise the discretion vested in it to investigate this matter, we will petition the President of Singapore, Mr Tony Tan to exercise his powers under Art 100 of the Singapore Constitution to convene the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore Tribunal to determine this question.

Be that as it may, the self explanatory contents of the matter is evident in the material attached in the appendix to the summons. We will also take this matter up to international tribunals in regards to the suppression of freedom of speech and failure to adhere to a Transparency index.

Edit: Section 44 of the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants changed to 4.3 of the Ministerial Code.

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【文礼坊砍人案】疑和受害者不认识 嫌犯明面控

警方发文告指出,文礼坊砍人案的18岁嫌犯将于10月9日被控上庭。 据文告指出,裕廊警察局在昨日接获投报后,展开地毯式搜寻和闭路电视的帮助下,确定了嫌犯身份,并于同一天将他逮捕归案。 警方将依据《刑事法典》第224章第326条文,持危险武器蓄意伤人罪进行提控。警方也将和控方合作,寻求法院通过将嫌犯还押到心理卫生学院,以便进行精神评估。 一旦罪成,嫌犯有可能被判无期徒刑或不超过15年的有期徒刑,否则也可能被判鞭刑,或罚款。 据《今日报》报导,嫌犯和受害者其实并不认识,嫌犯不知何故要求受害者帮忙做些事情,但是受害者拒绝了,嫌犯因此持刀砍人。 在事发现场附近工作的居民表示,当时看见两名男子在超市门口大家,其中一名穿着黑衣的男子在砍人后就跑了,而留下受害者头部流血地倒退在地上。 一名在超市工作的女子也表示看到有人持刀看受害者,受害者逃到超市内求救,嫌犯却追进超市内继续砍人。 附近居民Jimmy Rheo指出,有目击者表示,嫌犯发现自己的行为引起民众关注后,就落荒而逃。 附近店家则表示,当时并没有听到任何声音,随后传来一声尖叫声,就见到被袭击后满身是血的伤者。而嫌犯在被人发现后可能感到害怕,就拿着武器逃下楼去。 目击者披露,警方当时将现场封锁并进行数小时的调查工作,甚至在嫌犯追逐伤者时经过的楼梯间,寻获据称是嫌犯干案后逃跑时丢弃的一把15公分的刀。