For the past couple of days, many have heard of the turf war between Xiaxue and Gushcloud. Some have started picking sides by using hashtags such as #FaithInXiaxue or #FaithInGushCloud.
The more cynical ones amongst us have even remarked that this whole ‘war’ might just be a pre-planned marketing gimmick which is beneficial to both parties.
Well whether you’re on the side of Xiaxue or Gushcloud or you couldn’t care less, I have news for you. There’s a new kid on the block in this Turf War and he’s about to revolutionize it. He’s going to leave Xiaxue and Gushcloud in the dust.
Move over, #FaithInXiaXue and #FaithInGushCloud. It’s now time for #FaithInNewNation.

Yes, you heard that right. Everyone’s favourite New Nation has joined in the fray. And when compared to Xiaxue and Gushcloud, New Nation is in a league of its own – miles ahead of the other two.

At 10pm on 23 December, it announced it’s grand entry into the war with two tweets that would put both Xiaxue and Gushcloud to shame.

Most of the debate between the two camps have been about ethics, or the lack of it. To say that New Nation has raised the bar of ethics with their debut tweets would be a gross understatement.

It then went on to display it’s philosophical prowess. It has to be noted that instead of telling the readers what to think, like what both Xiaxue and Gushcloud did, it left the question open ended to let readers formulate their own opinion. Pretty wise, I must say.

Here’s more. In one deft move, New Nation managed to cast doubts on not only Xiaxue, but the thousands of ‘influencers’ employed by Gushcloud. Just when you thought you couldn’t be more impressed by their wisdom, they did the impossible – pander to the cynics. Even Sun Tzu would have been proud on their move to win over non-believers without a battle.

And unlike both camps, they did spare a thought for our future too. Now if this isn’t 20/20 vision then I don’t know what is. The PAP would be awestruck by New Nation’s foresight.
At this point, most of you might be convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that #FaithInNewNation is the way to go. But for those Xiaxue and Gushcloud hardliners, I’ve saved the best for last.
The single most convincing argument in this turf war. No lengthy expose or official responses were required, it was encompassed in a single tweet.

As a Member of Parliament once wisely said, “I… I don’t know what to say.”

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卫生部高级政务部长蓝彬明医生指出,医生无需向向病人列出药物或疗程可能带来的所有副作用或并发症。 议员们向卫生部提问,近期一名骨外科专科医生为病人打针前,告知对方可能出现的并发症,而被新加坡医药理事会纪律仲裁庭重罚十万元。议员们担心,此举将让医生花更多时间向病人阐释疗程中所有可能引起的并发症,导致医生采取“自保式医疗”,也可能间接推高医药费。此时也引起民间和医疗界联署要求政府阐明立场。 对此,在答复议员询问时,蓝彬明医生解释,有关被罚款医生是因为完全没有告知病人疗程的副作用,才被罚款。故此,不应诠释为在此个案后,将来医生在疗程时都要罗列所有副作用。 他补充,根据医疗指南,医生有责任告知病患,让病患掌握有关疗程和健康的具体情况。 蓝彬明也指出,一些中立的医生也许会认为上述罚款太严厉。医学界一直都很关注最高罚款额的议题,甚至考虑以停牌制裁。 他表示考量到有关个案的情景,可以理解医学界的关注点。他表示,《医疗注册法》在2010年修法,此后对医疗人员不当行为的罚款从一万元提升早10万元。 不过,卫生部和律政部今年初协助医理会成立了裁决委员会,以协助维持刑法的一致和公平性质,提高纪律审裁过程的透明和严谨。 蓝彬明说“卫生部不希望看到医者走上自保式医疗”,但也应理解若涉及不当行为,仍需接受纪律处分。针对已受惩戒的医生林联安(译音),蓝彬明说由于医理会和林联安都已接受裁决没上诉,因此无需翻案重审。

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