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Train service delay at NEL due to power fault on 25 Nov



power fault 25 nove

Image from Alternativemedia

By Failrailsg
There was a power fault on NEL last evening (25 November) at around 9pm. SBS Transit only made announcements on the platform. Nothing heard on their SMS broadcast and Twitter account. This occurence was only known after Alternative Media posted on their facebook page.
Apparently a train was also stuck at Little India according to a twitter post by Delia Chan.
train stuck in little India
The last time LTA arranged an exercise to test the incident response of SMRT and SBS Transit was in August 2013. Then LTA said the following:
SBST was also tested on their public communications procedures, which included promptly informing the public of a train service disruption and alternative travel arrangements through the bus bridging and free bus services, as well as providing regular updates at the stations and through the media and social media channels until normal service is resumed.
Social media channels? SBS Transit’s Twitter account has laid dormant since 2012 and in 2014, they still don’t have Facebook page!
There also does not seem to be having such exercise this year.
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