Chinese national and Singapore permanent resident, Yang Yin, could face “over 300 charges”, reports the Straits Times on Saturday.
This revelation comes a day after Mr Yang was formally charged in court on Friday on 11 counts of falsifying the accounts of his firm, Young Music and Dance Studio.
Mr Yang has been embroiled in the controversy over the legal control of the assets of 87-year old widow, Chung Khin Chun.
The 11 charges pertains to false receipts worth some S$28,000 which was purportedly paid to his dance company, of which Mr Yang was a director as well.
He had set up the company in 2009 with Mdm Chung.
“It was through this firm that Yang obtained an Employment Pass in 2009, which let him stay here with Singaporean widow Chung Khin Chun in her $30 million bungalow in Gerald Crescent,” the Straits Times reports.
“Two years later, he became a permanent resident.”
However, it seems that Mr Yang could possibly face further charges which could total 300.
This is because “many more of the firm’s receipts” have not yet been accounted for.
“Deputy Public Prosecutor Ang Feng Qian made it clear that the accused “potentially faces more than 300 charges”, and this could mean a higher sentence for Mr Yang, if he is found guilty of these.
At the moment, he faces up to 10 years in jail and a fine, or both, on the 11 charges he is being accused of.
It is however unclear if the alleged false payments were made by Mr Yang himself, or by others in cahoots with him.
According to the Straits Times, among the 11 receipts which formed the bases of the charges brought against Mr Yang on Friday, were:
‘A $3,500 payment from a Ms Chua Tee Tee for ‘piano tuition 30 times and sound tuition 10 times’. A $3,000 payment from Heng Sah Bah for ‘piano tuition 30 times + free times’.”
No further information were reported about who Ms Chua or Mr Heng are.
Because of the potential of more charges, and that Mr Yang would thus be a flight risk, DPP Ang asked the court to deny bail to Mr Yang and for him to be remanded for seven days.
Mr Yang’s lawyer, Wee Pan Lee, argued that Mr Yang has been cooperative with the police investigations, and that it was in Mr Yang’s interest to “clear his name”.
District Judge Eddy Tham issued a compromise decision – he denied bail to Mr Yang and reduced the remand period from seven days to five.
Mr Yang is also under investigations by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the police, and he also faced legal challenges to the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) which Mdm Chung had granted him.
Mdm Chung herself now wants to revoke the LPA.
Mr Yang was first arrested on 17 September.
He was previously active in the grassroots in Ang Mo Kio GRC, under MP Intan Azura’s ward of Jalan Kayu.
Mr Yang was also a member of the Integration and Naturalisation Champion (INC) committee of the ward.
He has since resigned from his position.

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