The lawyer representing Han Hui Hui has issued a letter to the Singapore Police to demand the return of a note book which the authorities had seized from his client.
Ms Han had taken notes during the interview with her note book, but it was seized by the police officer who interviewed her.
The letter by M Ravi said that Ms Han had made a written record of the questions and her answers put to her in an interview with Senior Investigation Officer, Inspector Wong Yu Wei, on 10 October 2014 at the Central Police Division.
“This personal record was prepared so that she would have accurate details of the matters in question for her legal advisers, and as such it constituted a privileged legal communication,” Mr Ravi said in his letter.
“It is a matter of the gravest concern that it appears this personal record was seized from her at the interview and had not been returned to her,” he added.
Mr Ravi’s letter also requested “an explanation for the wrongful seizure of private property from our client.”
It demanded that the note book be returned to Ms Han by 4pm on Wednesday, 15 October.
Ms Han was called in to assist the police in its investigation into “an offence of unlawful assembly” at Hong Lim Park on 27 September.
She was later reported to have been at the police interview for more than seven hours, and emerged from the police station at about 10pm.
To date, The Online Citizen understands that more than 10 of those who took part in the “Return our CPF” protest at Hong Lim Park on 27 September have been interviewed by the police, along with others including those from the YMCA.

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