Jurong East
Crowd at Jurong East MRT interchange due to the delayed trains.
This morning at around 7.30 am, there were train delays along the SMRT’s East West line varying between 5 mins to 10 mins.
The photographer of the above photo, took a snap shot of the situation at Jurong East MRT station and reported that the station had announced that the trains will have 10 min delay for those travelling from Outram to Joo Koon.
He shared that the announcement was made at around 7.50am and said the platform was so congested that there is problem getting to the staircase and escalators.
Many others also voiced their displeasure on social media outlets such as twitter.
SMRT EW line disruption2SMRT EW line disruption4 SMRT EW line disruption SMRT EW line disruption3
However, there was no update on the SMRT facebook fanpage nor twitter on the disruption to inform passengers of the disruption.
It is also unknown when the train service for the affected line resumed its normal services as there were no announcement made of initial train service disruption.
No alarm from SMRT
Twitter account of SMRT, screenshot taken on 21st Oct 2014

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