dummy matador
dummy matador2
Photos of two anti-tank dummy weapons being left on by the roadside were posted online.
The source of the photos is from a thread, “Who left his MATADOR by the roadside?” in popular online chat forum, the Hardwarezone forum. The photos were posted at 12.47pm by “VoteWisely” on Thursday and another commenter within the thread, “Dividend Moderator” commented that the exercise which the fake weapons were used in was about 4-5 hours ago ( around 8 am to 9 am).
According to online sources, the dummy weapons were found by a civilian and the finding was reported to the police.
MATADOR (Man-portable Anti-Tank, Anti-DOoR) is a 90-millimetre (3.5 in) man-portable, disposable anti-armor weapon system developed in collaboration between Singapore and Israel.
A post on The Singapore Army’s Facebook page this afternoon at 3.50 pm said,

“Two Light Anti-Tank dummy weapons were discovered by a member of public on 16 Oct 14 near the junction of Sungei Tengah/Old Chua Chu Kang Road, and have been handed over to the Police and the SAF.
These dummy weapons are meant only for training, and are inert. The unit responsible has recovered the items.”

Dummy weapons are weapons that cannot fire and are used to instill realism in training.
Investigations by SAF are currently underway.

sungei tengah road
Location where the dummy weapons are found.
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