To Singapore With Love poster FFF2014The Malaysian Home Ministry has denied allegations that it has forced a human rights non-governmental organisation (NGO) into removing “From Singapore, With Love”, a film banned in Singapore, from its screening in Kuantan, Pahang.
The film had originally been scheduled to be shown tomorrow in Kuantan as part of the Freedom Film Festival, an annual event organised by human rights group Pusat Komas.
Deputy home minister Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said the film has not been banned by Malaysia’s censors and is still under scrutiny.
“They were just doing their job, to tell the organisers of the movie screening that the movie should not be screened to the public prior to it being approved,” he said, as reported by media.
“From Singapore, With Love” was earlier banned from public screening in Singapore by the Media Development Authority for its potential to “undermine national security”.
Singapore’s Minister for Communications and Information Dr Yaacob Ibrahim has also discredited the film as a “one-sided portrayal” that contains “untruths about history”.
Tan is also seeking a review of MDA’s classification. “As we approach our 50th birthday, I feel that we as a people should be able to view and weigh for ourselves, through legitimate public screenings in Singapore, differing views about our past, even views that the government disagrees with.”

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