This is a full-length video of the protest march organized by Han Hui Hui at Hong Lim Park on Saturday. 

[youtube id=”ozAaFra5ycw” align=”center” mode=”normal”]
From the video, we still cannot detect:
1) Heckling of the special needs children who are performing on the stage.
2) YMCA emcee shouting “We love CPF”.

But what we can see:
3) Protesters led by Ms Han did at least three rounds of marching, all near the stage area, and one more last round into the stage area.
4) In the second round, the Y Stars were still performing.
5) By the third round, Ms Han was using a loud-hailer.
6) Minister Teo was confronted by angry protesters, while holding the hand of one of the Y Stars, and continued to venture into the crowd.

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