Muslim taking part in the ‘Day of Peace’ in Berlin (Reuters)
Muslim taking part in the 'Day of Peace' in Berlin (Reuters)
Muslim taking part in the ‘Day of Peace’ in Berlin (Reuters)
Two Singaporean Islamic scholars have compiled a list of 86 prominent scholars, groups and countries from all over the world which have voiced condemnation of the terror group known as the Islamic State (IS).
Muhammad Hanif Hassan and Mustazah Bin Bahari are fellows at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies(RSIS).
The list is to “contribute to the study of IS by those who are researching on it” and for “those who are looking for information of Muslims’ rejection and condemnation of IS.”
The list is not exhaustive and will be updated “from time to time, to our best capability”, they say.
Muhammad Hanif Hassan also runs a personal website here which he says is to counter extreme ideology.
Here is the list of those from around the world who reject and condemn the IS:

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