By Howard Lee
The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) has responded to a video on the Sg Dogslover Facebook page, which showed a dog killed by a dog trap, to say that the trap used was modified and not approved for use.
Sg Dogslover posted the video yesterday (4 September, Thursday), saying that the dog was nursing, and called for volunteers to help search for her puppies.
The page also announced that a police report has been filed about the case.
In its response, the AVA said that the dog control operation was conducted in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 in response to complaints about stray dogs in the area.
However, the traps used were modified and hence not approved for use. AVA also said that the contractor did not check on the traps regularly to ensure that captured animals were removed quickly.
AVA said that it will be “taking enforcement actions against the contractor for the non-compliances”, reports media.
As of two hours ago, Sg Dogslover is still calling for help to locate the dog’s puppies. Interested parties may find out more at the Facebook page.

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巴西古当设禁飞区我国担忧 新马下周二会谈

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