The owner of Albenyahya Enterprise, the company that was alleged to have been selling flags related to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has denied...
“Clearing the Haze” is a feature series by The Online Citizen that brings you into the core of the trans-boundary haze issue. Our reporting team joined...
On 22 August, a constitutional challenge against judicial caning was heard in Singapore’s highest court, the Court of Appeal. It was filed by human rights lawyer...
By Leong Sze Hian What if someone suggest to you that you can borrow against the equity of your residential property(ies), shares, investment funds, bank deposits...
The Minister of National Development, Khaw Boon Wan, has announced that senior Singaporeans will be allowed to choose different lengths of leases when they take up...
By Daniel Goh A month back I received a letter from NEA that The Good Beer Company’s lease at Chinatown Complex was coming to an...
Honour in Singapore” is a mini series by TOC following the recent formation of the Honour (Singapore) non-profit organisation, made up of distinguished individuals closely related to the government...
Veluchamy Duraisamy is a happy worker. On or around 4 August 2014, he (more or less) won his case at the Labour Court. He is...
The Islamic State (IS) has beheaded a second American journalist, Steven Scotloff, reports are saying. This is the second incident in two weeks, after journalist...
By Howard Lee So Speakers’ Corner turned 14 years old on 1 September, and the minor deluge of articles about it in both traditional and online...