Opposition politician Nicole Seah has left the National Solidarity Party, which she contested under during the 2011 General Elections.
Her departure was confirmed by NSP’s secretary-general Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss, as reported in Yahoo Singapore.
Ms Seah was formerly the second assistant secretary-general for NSP.
“We thank her for all the contributions she has made during her time with us, and we are very appreciative of all her efforts… but we respect her decision, which I’m sure she has considered and not made lightly,” Ms Chong-Aruldoss was quoted as saying.
Ms Chong-Aruldoss also indicated that there was no friction between Ms Seah and the party’s leadership that could have led to her departure.
Ms Seah has been less active with the party, and has also recently moved to Thailand earlier this year for work.
She has maintained on her social media postings that she remains active in grassroots activities in Singapore and has continued to keep in contact with her volunteers.
Ms Seah shot to fame in the 2011 General Elections due to her age and her performance, and has been drawn in parallel with the People’s Action Party’s Ms Tin Pei Ling.
She has indicated that the public life has taken its toll on her, and had expressed a wish to keep things simple in one of reflective her Facebook postings.
It is not known if Ms Seah will continue in politics with another party.

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