Marina South Pier will be partially closed to the public between 0900hrs and 1500hrs, (9am and 3pm) on Friday 11 July to facilitate an emergency preparedness exercise involving a passenger vessel. Codenamed “Exercise Blue Dolphin 2014”, the exercise includes the simulation of passenger evacuation from a vessel out at sea and the management of evacuated passengers at Marina South Pier.
Members of the public and the shipping community are advised where possible to plan their activities in advance to avoid Marina South Pier during the partial closure.
To facilitate the exercise, the following will be implemented:
a) The pier’s main hall and ticketing counters will be closed from 0900hrs to 1500hrs.
b) The car park in the pier will be closed from 0500hrs to 1600hrs (5am to 4pm). Members of the public can find alternative parking at the Marina Bay Cruise Centre Singapore
c) One lane of the Marina Coastal Drive in front of the pier will be closed from 0900hrs to 1500hrs (9am to 3pm). During the closure, only authorised vehicles will be allowed to enter.
d) There will be no change to the schedule and route of SBS Transit Service No. 402, plying between Shenton Way Terminal and the Marina Bay Cruise Centre.
e) An access path will be established between the entrance to Marina South Pier and the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore checkpoint. Personnel embarking the passenger launches/boats from the pier are required to use this access path. Marshals will be deployed on the ground to assist passengers with the directions. The access path is shown below

alternative parking lots

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7月1日至9月30日 电费平均增长6.4巴仙

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“反送中”有示威者被打伤 港警称逮捕11人、22警员受伤

据港媒报导,昨日傍晚香港警务处处长卢伟聪召开记者会,透露在香港“反送中”游行中,工友11人因涉暴动被捕,22名警员受伤。 卢伟聪表示,示威者冲出龙和道、夏悫道,构成非法集会。有不同示威者冲击立法会警方防线,暴徒用砖头、铁枝、铁马掷向警察。同事在声明受威胁的情况下,迫不得已使用武力控制场面。 他也表示,尽在6月12日,发射超过150枚催泪弹和橡胶子弹,以及约20颗布袋弹。 不过,一群记者为抗议警方行为为何记者安全和损害新闻自由,集体穿上反光衣和头盔出席采访警方记者会。 记者向警务处长申诉不少记者采访遭警方阻碍,即便表明记者身份也被警员以“记你老X”回应,甚至有警员对记者放催泪弹。然而,卢伟从却对“记者最客气、最有礼貌”,表示香港警队有心做好和传媒的关系。 他解释,因为有同僚反映有示威者假扮记者,所以才会要求搜查随身物件,希望记者见谅,若有记者遭不礼貌对待,他表示抱歉。 至于香港医疗管理局则指出,截至昨晚10时,共有81名与示威活动有关的伤者,目前仍有三男二女留医,但无人伤亡。 医生联盟吁警勿医院逮捕示威者 不过,卢伟聪也承认有在公立医院拘捕仍在求诊的示威者,对此医生联盟呼吁警方应避免到医院进行拘捕,避免伤者因害怕求诊而加重伤势。 另一方面,据《立场新闻》报导,一名手无寸铁示威者被十余名警员拉倒在地,用警棍殴打。而有关被打示威者已被捕病在医院扣留。他透过义务律师向《立》表示被橡胶子弹射中眼角,最少被警棍打头部和背部七下,又被踢。 他说,当天下午四时许在添华道、夏愨道桥底,因目睹警方多次放催泪弹导致两三名示威者哮喘发作,于心不忍而上前和警察理论,而当时身上也没有任何防御用品,仅有一瓶水。 他申诉警方在没有预警之下向他发射橡胶子弹和催泪弹,想再与警方理论时却被拉到在地。而他被袭击时也有其他市民录下视频。…

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