The Ministry of Finance is now conducting a public consultation on the draft Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2014 from 4 to 24 July 2014, and invites the Public to give feedback on the Bill.
The proposed amendments to the Income Tax Act (“ITA”) relate mainly to 14  changes announced in the 2014 Budget Statement. These include:

  • Extension of the Productivity and Innovation Credit (“PIC”) scheme for three years till Year of Assessment (“YA”) 2018, and the introduction of the PIC+ Scheme. Under PIC+, qualifying SMEs can claim a 400% tax deduction for up  to $600,000 of expenditure per qualifying activity per YA;
  • Extension of the Research & Development (“R&D”) tax measures. The additional 50% tax deduction for R&D granted under section 14DA(1) of the ITA is extended for ten years till YA 2025. The further tax deduction for EDBapproved R&D projects, granted under section 14E, is extended till 31 March  2020;
  • Extension of the Section 19B Writing Down Allowance (“WDA”) for acquisition of qualifying Intellectual Property Rights (“IPRs”) for five years till  YA 2020, and clarifying the type of “information that has commercial value” that would be eligible for WDA1;
  • Treatment of Additional Tier 1 instruments2 as debt for tax purpose in the basis period for YA 2015 and thereafter; and
  • Enhancement of various dependant-related reliefs for individual taxpayers from YA 2015

The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2014 also provides for refinements to existing tax policies and tax administration arising from ongoing reviews of Singapore’s income  tax system. These refinements include:

  • Additional measures to curb PIC abuse.
  • Allowing Supplementary Retirement Scheme (“SRS”) members to withdraw their SRS investments without liquidating the investments. This will reduce the transaction costs they incur for withdrawals. The SRS investments will be valued and taxed in the same manner as when the SRS investments are liquidated for cash withdrawal; and
  • Amendments to enable Singapore to ratify the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters

The public can access the detailed consultation documents for the draft Income Tax (Amendment) Bill 2014 on the Ministry of Finance’s website ( and the REACH consultation portal ( Respondents may send their comments to the Ministry of Finance directly via the website, email, fax or post.

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申请法援挑战政府假消息裁定 人权律师质疑可行度

政府将在下月于国会寻求通过《防止网络假消息和网络操纵法案》。然而该法被指赋予部长过多的权力、制衡机制不足,也引起公民社会的质疑和忧虑。 在上周四(4月3日)律政部兼卫生部高级政务部长唐振辉出席管理大学对话会。针对一名与会者质疑若假消息来自政府又如何处置,对此他打包票指出,政府并不会凌驾于法律体系之外,完全不受到监督。 反假消息法也被指透过法律刑责,来制造寒蝉效应,造成民众因担忧招惹官司而被高昂诉讼费缠身,而不敢再批评政府政策。 对于官司费的担忧,唐振辉认为,目前国内已有充足的经济和法律援助供有需要者申请,对部长的更正指示作出上诉。 不过,人权律师M拉维就在脸书发文,质疑上述申请法律援助来上诉的实际可行性。 “老实说,我不曾听闻有人申请法律援助来挑战政府的决定。就算可以,还有大部分人都不符合申请法律援助条件,没办法这么做。” 在新起草的防假消息法案下,部长若判断某消息为假消息并可能威胁公共利益,就可下达指示要求更正或撤下。 然而,令拉维感到不安的是,假设政府本身,涉及借用官方媒体散播假消息,有关法案却没有明确途径让公民挑战政府。在该法案第61条文下,部长还能发出“免死金牌”给特定人物或机构,比如说,可以发出指示,豁免某部门或官方媒体,不受法案的对付。 他质疑,普通老百姓怎么可能负担得起动辄至少八万元的诉讼费,到高庭去挑战部长对假新闻的裁定有误。 去年担任蓄意散播假消息特选委员会主席的张有福曾指出,若对政府的裁定有不满,应有足够的管道,且上诉过程不会太繁琐。 他在昨日也接受《联合早报》采访,认为尽管新法案赋予部长权利,迅速采取措施以维护国家利益,但高庭可对其决定进行审核,而不是由政府全权定夺。 他同意,应允许不满者尽快做出申诉,而不是让他们耗费数年和上千元庭费来打官司。“既然部长有权迅速介入,要求个人或网络平台更正或撤下信息,那另一方上诉时也理应获得加速审理,以确保公平。”…

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