“Opposition politicians who want a platform to share their ideas should organise their own forums. If their ideas are really better, people will support it. That’s how things work.” – Hri Kumar, Member of Parliament
TOC is by no means an opposition party, and we definitely don’t have the best ideas on the Central Provident Fund. But we do believe that there are people who do, and for a matter of national concern such as the CPF, it cannot just be a matter of partisan interest. A broader debate at a national level is necessary.
As such, we plan to organise a Policy Exchange forum on the CPF issue – open to all, to discuss what matters to all.
Roy Ngerng 600We would also like to welcome Roy Ngerng, blogger at The Heart Truths, as our moderator of this forum. We all know Roy as the “CPF blogger”, but few might realise that this will not be his first partnership with TOC. Roy has helped us previously with the lead-up articles for our Policy Exchange on healthcare in November 2013.
Roy would also not be the only voice at this forum – we hope to engage as many policy thinkers as we can.
What is the problem with the Minimum Sum and why are citizens unhappy about it? Are the CPF interest rates really justifiable? What is the problem with the lack of transparency in how citizens’ pension funds are used? Can we even think about junking the CPF system, and what are the alternatives? We hope to address some of these issues, and maybe more.
However, running an event needs money, and we need your generous support to make our events happen. As such, please use the following tabs below to donate to us, so that we may be able to continue with the Policy Exchange series.

Please note that event and funding matters, including for our Policy Exchange forums, will now be managed by TOC Ltd.
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For readers who wish to donate via internet banking or ATM transfer, our account number is 048-904435-7, DBS Current Account, Raffles Place Branch (048).
Cheques should be addressed to “TOC Ltd”.

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