Police have arrested two male Pakistan Nationals, aged 25 and 43, in connection to the case where a body was found at Syed Alwi Road.

On 11 June 2014 at about 6.04 pm, Police had received a call for assistance along Syed Alwi Road. Upon Police’s arrival, an upper body without both legs was found in a luggage at the said location. Upon receipt of the report, officers from the Criminal Investigation Department, the Police Intelligence Department, Central Police Division and Tanglin Police Division responded immediately and conducted intensive probes and ground enquiries including a systematic sweep surrounding the crime scene, in pursuing all available leads.
The police announced at Thursday evening that they recovered a pair of legs from the vicinity of Jalan Kubor off Victoria Street.
Through a coordinated operation involving more than 100 officers, the identities of the suspects and deceased were established within 24 hours of the report lodged. The suspects were arrested on 12 June 2014 at about 3.00 pm at the vicinity of Rowell Road. The deceased is also believed to be a 59-year-old male Pakistan National.
The case is classified as Murder under Section 302 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224 and investigations are ongoing. The suspects will be produced in Court on 14 June 2014 (Saturday).
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Investigations & Intelligence) concurrent Director of the Criminal Investigation Department Hoong Wee Teck said, “This is a serious crime which Police had devoted extensive resources and efforts to have it solved expeditiously. Police are committed to solve crimes and we will spare no effort to track down criminals and ensure that they are brought to justice and face the full brunt of the law.”
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