Lawyer M Ravi, representing blogger Roy Ngerng has issued a public statement expressing regret in response to the media statements made by Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and the Ministry of Health (MOH).
M Ravi states that his client is currently being privately sued for defamation by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and said, “pending a final judgement of the Singapore Courts of the civil proceedings for defamation, that lawsuit is sub judice. Its outcome remains a matter for the Courts to determine. The is the rule of law”
Earlier in May this year, Ngerng was sued by PM Lee over allegation misappropriation of Central Provident Fund money by the prime minister in one of the posts made by Ngerng in his blog, “The Heart Truths”.
In the statement, M Ravi request for restraint to be exercised in relation to issuing public statements about decisions and inferences in relation to matters that are connected to the subject mater of the lawsuit and added that it is regrettable that MOH has seen fit to issue a public statement that it supports TTSH’s decision to terminate Ngerng’s employment.
Yesterday, Ngerng was dismissed by TTSH from his job as a patient coordinator. TTSH explained that the dismissal is due to Ngerng’s continued misuse of the hospital’s time and resources to pursue personal and non-job-related interests despite a warning given last May when Ngerng’s contract was up for renewal.
In the statement released by TTSH,  the hospital said, “Mr Ngerng’s conduct was incompatible with the values and standards we expect of our employees. While our staff are free to pursue their personal interests outside work, they must conduct themselves properly, honourably and with integrity. In particular, they cannot defame someone else without basis, which essentially means knowingly stating a falsehood to the public.”
MOH also issued a press statement saying that it supports TTSH’s decision to terminate Mr Ngerng’s contract, as his “actions show a lack of integrity and are incompatible with the values and standards of behaviour expected of hospital employees”.
The defamation suit between Ngerng and PM Lee will be heard in court.
Statement by Lawyer M Ravi
Letter to TTSH & MOH

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