Lee [left]; Ngerng [right]

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s lawyers has rejected blogger Roy Ngerng Yi Ling’s $5,000 offer in damages as being “derisory” and will be proceeding with legal process against Ngerng.
Mr Lee had demanded that Mr Ngerng made an offer on the amount of damages he was willing to pay Mr Lee before Wednesday, over a blog post which Mr Ngerng had published about a week ago.
The letter sent this morning by representing lawyer, M Ravi to PM Lee, indicated that Ngerng’s original letter of apology “was genuine and his references to right and truth were not intended in anyway to detract from the error and inaccuracy of the criminal misappropriation allegation. Rather, they relate entirely to the mismatch issue, and his feelings that it was right of him to highlight this issue. He has expressly noted, through his letter of apology, that his apology related only to the criminal misappropriation issue.”
M Ravi also proposed to pay PM Lee S$5,000 in damages with each party bearing their own costs. The sum was based on Mr Ngerng’s modest living and income.
However the letter sent by Senior Counsel Davinder Singh on Tuesday evening states that the offer of $5000 is derisory and completely disregards the gravity of Ngerng’s conduct. “the undisputed fact that the libel is false and malicious, and your client’s calculated and systematic aggravation of the injury and distress to our client.”
The senior counsel said that the apology was completely insincere and was designed to mislead PM Lee and the public.
The letter further added that despite Ngerng giving his word to remove the offending posts and video, he continued to make it available to a select group of people and send out the emails to a wide audience, including the local and international media where he republished the video and offending posts. The senior counsel said Ngerng has himself to blame for losing the opportunity of not having to pay aggravated damages.
Representing lawyer, M Ravi has until 5pm, 28 May to inform if he has instructions to accept the service of process on behalf of Ngerng

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新加坡警察部队于昨日发表声明,与2017年相比,新加坡去年的诈骗案增加了20.6巴仙,共达5796宗,导致2018的罪案总数率微升了1.4巴仙。 2018年的全国罪案总共有3万3,134宗,除了诈骗案之外,其他的罪案总数已经从2017年的2万7,863宗,减少至去年的2万7,338宗。警方在声明仍表示,新加坡仍是世界上最安全的城市之一。 诈骗案的类型包括电子商务欺诈、借贷骗案、爱情骗子、以及冒充中国官员行骗,共5796宗。 其中借贷骗案占了诈骗案的大部分,从前年的396宗增加了一倍,去年共发生了994宗案件,包括非法宣传借贷,涉案金额达1亿5800万新元,但是比去年减少了7.1巴仙。 电子商务欺诈最多宗 去年的电子商务诈骗案高居诈骗案榜首,共多达2125宗,比去年增加了11.4巴仙,涉案总额高达190万新元。 其中将近70巴仙的电子商务诈骗案都发生才网络购物平台Carousell,涉及物件包括电子产品、演唱会或旅游景点票券等。 警方为了减少类似案件,已经和相关的电子商家合作,Carousell也指出,该公司积极落实新的防诈骗措施。经一年的努力,成功于去年将案例减少了44巴仙,注销了超过2000个户头。 警方也针对网上爱情骗局成立了专案小组,类似案件已经在这两年来减少了20巴仙。警方密切关注网上爱情骗局,并表示虽然过程困难,但仍会尽力帮助受害者取回被骗走钱财。 除了诈骗案,有所增加的案件包括了盗用信用卡、转账卡或电子账号进行交易,增加了4成共1200宗。 非礼案增加了11.9,达到1747宗。其中在公共交通和公共娱乐场所发生的非礼案增长引起警方关注,并表示会与公共交通运营商和娱乐场所合作,加强巡逻,同时在车站等地带,放映防范非礼的醒觉短片。 另一方面,去年宵小和盗窃类罪案增长了8.6巴仙,共1万2279宗。其中店内盗窃3575宗、入屋行窃2727宗、偷车类886宗以及脚车偷窃达552宗。

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接受《联合早报》专访强调港府民选 中驻新大使馆发文驳黄之锋

两日前,《联合日报》在官网刊载,专访香港社会运动代表人物、众志秘书长黄之锋的视频。 相信该视频拍摄于9月30日,当中黄之锋否认自己是反修例运动的领袖,声明自己“不主张港独”;强调香港政府应民选。 他认为,目前“反送中”运动成功让香港政府撤回“送中条例”修法,但这不代表胜利,只是达到了一个成果或其中一个目标。 针对示威者是否应与暴力割席?对此黄之锋认为,如果和平游行有效果,理应在今年6月港府就撤回修例;他承认示威者使用武力,但如果只是谴责示威者根本无法解决问题。“解决问题最重要的方法是体制上改革。” 至于目前的五大诉求:撤回修例、收回暴动定义、撤销对反送中抗争者控罪、彻底追究警队滥权以及落实“真普选”,只实现了一项。对此,黄之锋指出,此前也没人觉得政府会撤回修例,但现在还会有人认为政府不会容许香港有民主选举,惟他们仍会持续争取。 被指“港独”抹黑不予理会 他引述《明报》的民调指有75巴仙港人支持“真普选”,如港府不听民意将付出更大代价。 对于被大陆媒体形容“港独”份子,黄之锋这么说:“所有香港抗议活动都被说成“港独”,其实没有这回事,他们喜欢抹黑就抹黑吧,这种中国民族主义不用理他”。 中国国家主席习近平在10.1中国国庆70周年,曾指出要坚持和平统一、“一国两制”的方针,保持港澳长期繁荣稳定。 称如今是“一国1.5制” 不过,黄之锋形容如今已变成“一国1.5制”,他认为如遵循一国两制,在香港主权回归后理应有民主选举,那现在根本人们不用出来抗争。 “基本问题是,香港政府应让港人投票选出来。”他称自己不主张港独。对于是否承认香港是中国一部分,他坦言有年轻人要求独立,他反问为何有人主张“民主选举”,有人主张“港独”,“其实是认知上大家明白政治现实,即香港被北京压迫。理论上香港应该有高度自治,但到现在还没有。”…