By Terry Xu
The law firm representing  Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has sent another legal letter to blogger Roy Ngerng Yi Ling on Monday morning (May 26). The law firm said in the letter sent on Monday morning that the earlier apology sent by Roy Ngerng is not genuine and demands him to take down four blog articles and a Youtube video, or aggravated damages will be filed against him.
Earlier in May 19, Roy Ngerng was first served with a letter of demand from Drew and Napier LLC on behalf of PM Lee to remove a blog post referencing Mr Lee that he was guilty of criminal misappropriation of the monies paid by Singaporeans to the Central Provident Fund.
The blog post was removed the day itself and Roy Ngerny delivered his apology through his appointed lawyer, Mr M Ravi as well as publishing a letter of apology on his blog, “The Heart Truths“. Roy requested that he need not pay the damages as demanded by PM Lee on Friday but was instead given an extension to give an offer of damages to be paid to PM Lee by Monday, 5pm.
The senior counsel said in the letter,

“It is now clear from your client’s latest posts that your client’s apology and undertaking was not meant to be genuine and that it has always been your client’s intention to opportunistically use the occasion of our client’s lawful and legitimate demand to raise his public profile, garner support and sympathy, and renew his attack against our client, and these amount to circumstances which aggravate the injury and distress to our client, and for which our client is entitled to aggravated damages. The fact that your client failed in his attempt to avoid his liability to pay damages has no doubt further angered your client against our client, as is apparent from the tone of the said latest post.”

Refer here for the said post.
The senior counsel stated that Roy Ngerng has since twice republished the false and malicious comparison between PM Lee and the accused in the City Harvest Church (CHC) case in relation to what was done to CPF monies. To date, the accused in the CHC case have not been convicted of any criminal charges by the court.
The senior counsel also demanded that Roy Ngerng takes down four articles, two of which are dated more than a year ago on July 2012 and May 2013, and one Youtube video before 5pm on Monday, or PM Lee would be entitled to seek aggravated damages from Roy Ngerng.
The senior counsel further added that Mr Lee would be prepared not to claim any aggravated damages from these posts and video if they are removed by 5pm on May 26 and not to be republished. If Roy Ngerng complies, damages which he is expected to pay will then be limited to matters mentioned in the earlier letters of demand. The lawyer warned that any further posts or videos published of the similar nature will be taken into consideration for the calculation of damages.
Roy Ngerng has expressed his intention to take down the articles and video in question by the stipulated time. He is also expected to make an offer of damage to be paid to PM Lee by 5pm, 26 May.
The four additional articles in questions are:

Update: Lawyer, Mr M Ravi representing blogger, Roy Ngerng Yi Ling, has sent a letter in response to PM Lee’s legal letter this morning. He said that Roy Ngerng will comply to the requests set forth in the letter, to remove the four said articles and Youtube video and will cease publication of any articles or videos which are of the similar nature.
M Ravi also requested that the deadline for the offer of damages to be extended from today 5pm, 26th May to 5pm, 28th May on Wednesday.
Update: Lawyer representing PM Lee has agreed to extend the deadline for the offer of damages to 28th May.

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