Police to Gilbert Goh: No defacing PM Lee’s poster
The police has warned social activist Gilbert Goh regarding his Facebook post, which allegedly called on the public to deface a poster of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at a planned Labour Day protest at Hong Lim Park today.
The following was published on the Singapore Police Force Facebook page:

Police have contacted Mr Gilbert Goh on 30 April 2014 regarding his online post (19 April 2014) that called on the public to deface and denigrate a poster of the Prime Minister during Goh’s planned demonstration at Hong Lim Park on 1 May 2014. Mr Goh was advised against carrying out such activities during the demonstration as they may constitute offences under the Penal Code and the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act. Mr Goh was also advised to remove any online postings that called on participants of his demonstration to conduct activities that might be against the law.
The Speakers’ Corner is a designated outdoor area for Singaporeans to express their views in public. Mr Goh is free to hold his planned demonstration at the Speakers’ Corner, but it is also his responsibility to ensure that any activities conducted during the demonstration do not contravene the law.

Singapore’s unemployment rate increases
Singapore’s unemployment rate rose to 2.1% in March 2014, a slight increase from 1.8% in December 2013, according to a report published by the Ministry of Manpower yesterday. Experts interviewed by media attributed it to some “skills mismatch occurring in the labour force”.
Honour pioneer generation unionists: PM Lee
Prime Minister Leee Hsien Loong called on Singaporeans to honour the pioneer generation of unionists by building upon their achievements for future generations, as he delivered his May Day message yesterday.
Citing their dedication towards working with the government to foster constructive labour-management relations, PM Lee stressed on the importance of tripartism in bringing the country forward.

Each tripartite partner must do their part: Workers must make the effort to train and upgrade themselves. Employers must invest in workers, develop their skills, and make full use of their talents. Only then will the Government’s programmes bear fruit. By working together, we strengthen our model of tripartism, and keep it our lasting competitive advantage.

First worker pleads guilty for Little India riot
A worker who was involved in the Little India riots in December 2013 has pleaded guilty, the first among the 25 charged to do so. Ramalingam Sakthivel, 33, allegedly threw projectiles at police officers and police vehicles, pushed to flip a police car and hit a Singapore Civil Defence Force ambulance with a pole. The prosecution is urging for a deterrent sentence of between 30 and 36 months in jail and three to six strokes of the cane, media reported.
Man charged for organising illegal march against MDA regulations
Jacob Lau Jian Rong, 23, is accused of orgainsing an illegal procession on 5 November 2013, in protest against new Internet regulations announced by the Media Development Authority. 5 November is well known as Guy Fawkes Day and is synonymous with the Anonymous group of hackervists. Rong’s alleged illegal procession at City Hall MRT station saw 15 protesters rounded up by police.

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根据《海峡时报》星期刊报导,总检察署投诉李显扬妻子林学芬专业行为失当一案,纪律审裁庭去年7月举行五天聆讯,最终裁定林学芬,在处理建国总理李光耀遗嘱上失当。 去年初,总检察署针对李显扬妻子林学芬,向新加坡律师公会提呈逾500页的投诉信。总检察署指林学芬作为专业律师,在位李光耀准备遗嘱一事,有失职之嫌的表面证据,表面触犯法律专业(专业行为规章)第25节条文和第46节条文。 审裁庭裁定林学芬违反律师专业法令,并要求将她除名。 报导引述审裁庭对林学芬妻子措辞严厉的批评,指责后者“不诚实,试图将证据形塑成自己是无辜受害者的形象”,以及“李显扬的行为也同样欺瞒。” 对此,李玮玲在今早(23日)于脸书发文,直言上述审裁庭的裁决“拙劣”(travesty)。 “我对于《海峡时报》星期刊的报导感到震惊和反感,试图对我的弟弟和弟媳的人格谋杀。” 她称,这是续神秘的部长委员会介入李光耀遗嘱和欧思礼38故居事件后,再一次试图篡改历史。“我的父亲很清楚他要做的,他对遗嘱的决定很明确。他自己起草了遗嘱修正(附录,codocil),并在两周后执行。” 她直言,对于哥哥、总理李显龙未遵循父亲遗愿,持续感到羞耻。 在长达228页的裁决报告,由两人组成(Sarjit Singh Gill以及余启贤律师)的纪律审裁庭,从李光耀签署最后遗嘱前的16小时切入,认为即便林学芬不是最终遗嘱的律师,但涉及误导李光耀,也没有让后者获得充分法律咨询,是身为律师不该有的行为。

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