Lawyer M Ravi has issue an apology to the Attorney-General, in response to a complain letter that the AG has sent to the Law Society indicating that he has prematurely released court documents relating to cases he was handling to local and international media.
In the letter, dated 24 January 2014, the AG alleged that his actions were calculated to interfere with the fair proceedings of cases M Ravi was handling, which were then before the court.
M Ravi has earlier indicated that he will “vigorously defend” his position on this matter.
The following is the media release from M Ravi’s office.

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Press Release

I, Mr Ravi s/o Madasamy had on various occasions (the details of which are set out in a letter from the Attorney-General dated 24 January 2014, which I attached here) caused Court documents to be prematurely released to the media and have made certain statements to the media, which I now regret.
The Attorney-General’s Chambers have in a letter dated 24 January 2014 pointed out that my actions may result in my clients gaining an unfair advantage in the various cases that I was acting in and / or may interfere in the conduct of fair proceedings by prejudicing the Respondent’s case in the minds of the public and / or to hold up the persons and institutions referred to in the affidavits to public obloquy.
This was never my intention.  Have considered the Attorney-General’s Chambers letter and the points raised therein, I accept their position and I unreservedly and unconditionally withdraw all the statements complained off in their letter of 24 January 2014 and I do sincerely apologise to the persons affected by my releasing the Court documents and statements referred to in the letter of 24 January 2014, to the media.

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据教育部今日(7日)发文告,本地圣公会中学、圣婴加东修道院女校、圣婴德兰女中、崇文中学以及华侨中学,出现五例冠状病毒19确诊。 其中四人是学生,一名是非教职人员,出现轻微症状。教育部指出,这些病例是当局从6月2日开始,为师生进行积极检测时发现的。那些出现急促呼吸道感染(ARI)的教职员和年满12岁的学生,都会接受冠病检测。 虽然上述学生对冠病19呈阳性反应,不过检测显示病毒载量较低,二度检测时也出现阴性反应。共有29名职员、100学生曾与这些确诊病例接触过,他们必须遵守14添缺席假和居家隔离。 这些病例也不列为感染群,五所学校的复课安排也不受影响。 教育部称,学校已制定防疫措施,并展开消毒工作,也指有证据证明这些病例是在阻断措施末期感染,而不是6月2日学校复课后。

警方对辣玉莎贴文给予严重警告 惟不对网红“夏雪”采取行动

因两年前评论城市丰收教会判决,工人党盛港集选区议员辣玉莎在本届大选竞选期间,被举报言论涉种族主义,结果被警方调查。 警方今日(17日)发表声明,指出经过调查,辣玉莎在2018年2月2日和今年5月17日发表的网络评论,“有意挑起不同族群间敌意”,抵触触刑事法典第298A(a)条文。 而有关评论城市丰收教会判决的贴文,也因藐视法庭而抵触司法维护法令(Administration of Justice(Protection)Act)。 警方称经过于总检察署商讨后,决定给予辣玉莎严厉警告。 针对城市丰收教会判决,辣玉莎曾批评新加坡无情监禁少数群体、骚扰清真寺领袖,但容许涉贪教会领袖逍遥法外。同时,在社媒也评论新加坡执法机构,涉歧视公民,指富有华人和白人有不同待遇。 然而,在选举期间,遭民众举报涉族群言论的并不仅是辣玉莎一人。本地网红“下雪”也同样被人“翻旧账”,十年前的推特(Twitter)贴文,也被人举报而被警方调查。 事实上,当辣玉莎在选举期间卷入族群言论风波,原名郑彦彦的“下雪”。还曾在社交媒体Instagram抨击辣玉莎的言论,是指控大部分华人在法律上会选边站,也似乎意指本地执法机构由华人掌控。她质问辣玉莎是否适合成为候选人: 郑彦彦被一名网民Vignesh Sankar Iyer,找到她在2010年发布于Twitter的推文,指她的言论也涉嫌种族歧视,向警方报案。…

上月称以义工身份服务居民 女准将颜晓芳正式卸下公职

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