Tight labour market until 2030
In his May Day message, National Trades Union Congress Secretary-General Lim Swee Say said that Singaporeans should expect the labour market to tighten until 2030. This follows figures released last week by the Manpower Ministry which indicated that 11,560 workers were laid off last year, slightly more than in 2012. Mr Lim called for a need for Singaporeans to adjust their mindset, to “change our economy, our workforce and our society for the better”, and to “value our jobs more and take greater pride in what we do”, he was reported as saying.
Mr Lim, who is also Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, also said that Singapore still enjoys healthy economic growth and wages are increasing faster than inflation, but noted a need to manage the economic restructuring to reduce its impact.
More funding for self-help groups
The Singapore government is considering additional funding for three self-help groups to support their programmes and services for the needy, as part of national efforts to build stronger social safety nets and help low-income families level up.
Acting Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong said the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) and the Eurasian Association had proposed the increase with the view of funding skills-training courses, courses to help students, parent-child bonding activities and active-ageing activities. He opined that an increase in effort by these groups should be matched by the government’s assistance in grants. The groups also suggested raising monthly CPD contributions to their respective self-help groups to support this.
Chan Chun Sing: Singaporeans should come forward to help needy
Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing encouraged Singaporeans to help the needy. “There are many people who are able to (volunteer) and help other people and we hope they’ll join the ranks of volunteers to reach out to and help out needy families,” he was reported in media as saying, at an event organised by the People’s Association. He also recommended that families take time off from their busy schedules to spend quality time together.
PA interest groups to bridge “cultural gaps”
The People’s Association has initiated interest groups at all 87 constituencies to encourage interaction, strengthen bonds and minimise misunderstandings among residents. This would be done through cultural activities to bring Singaporeans and new immigrants together, organised by volunteers in the groups. The interest groups will be led by “connectors” who are part of the Community Engagement Programme.
South Korea ferry disaster – PM resigns
South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong-won resigned yesterday in response to criticism over the government’s handling of the over the government’s handling of the Sewol ferry sinking that has left more than 300 people, mostly teachers and children, dead or missing.
“Keeping my post is too great a burden on the administration,” Mr Chung was reported by media as saying. “On behalf of the government, I apologise for many problems from the prevention of the accident to the early handling of the disaster.”

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儿坠楼母倒卧家中 小印度组屋发生命案

小印度发生双尸命案,52岁儿子跳楼身亡,其母亲被发现倒卧家中。 警方今早约七时许接到报案,指维拉三美路(Veerasamy Road)一带,有男子在第637座组屋旁跳楼。而警方另外接获投报,指该组屋第11楼单位内,有一名老妇倒卧家中。 而医护人员检查后,宣布二人均已死亡。 据了解,母子俩住在该组屋已40年,不愿具名的邻居告诉《海峡时报》,自父亲在10年前往生,他们母子俩即相依为命。 “儿子其实很孝顺母亲,也会带母亲去看医生、媒体也会出去买吃的和日用品。” 邻居最后一次看到逝世男子,是在本周日,当时他们还在讨论将在本周四进行的居家提升计划。邻居说认识男子多年,却鲜少过问其家事,追悔没有询问他们是否需要帮忙。 他说,母子一家面对财务问题,自父亲去世后儿子就没有工作,而是留在家照顾母亲,过去他是仓库管理员。男子仍有一位哥哥和两位姐姐,姐姐在海外生活,每年回乡一次。 邻居也说,过去10年男子也曾像他借钱近10次,来带母亲去进行体检。有时50,有时100元,但通常半年内都会还钱。 而母亲自今年起就要坐轮椅。几乎每一天都能听到母亲大声责骂儿子,但具体原因邻居不知。 目前,警方的调查仍在进行中。

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一名马来西亚女子谎称是我国已故总理李光耀孙女,在美国招摇撞骗,因此遭美国当局指控诈欺与盗用他人身份等罪名,被判监51个月。 根据美国媒体报道,该名女子为50岁马国华裔女子谢秀英(译音,Cheah Siew Im)。在20年期间,共盗用了6个人的身份,并讹称自己是美国前总统奥巴马的好友、已故新加坡建国总理李光耀孙女、NFL华盛顿红皮队 (Washington Redskins)班主薛达好友,及中情局人员等,说服职业运动员和企业高管相信她的谎言。 “她说服这些受害者,出钱投资尼日利亚油田和华盛顿职业运动队,但实际上这些钱被她用来买豪华汽车、整容和名牌手提包。” 一名受骗的体育经纪人表示,“如果我们知道他的真实身份、年龄与犯罪背景,我们绝不会相信他。” 据悉,谢秀英于2017年被美国当局逮捕后,今年10月4日认罪。根据法庭文件显示,2001年被告以假身份李秀红(译音,Sau Hoong Lee)入境美国,而被盗用的身份实质为吉隆坡66岁家庭主妇,但两人并不认识,该名妇女也不曾见过谢姓女子。 以神秘口才说服众多受害者掏钱…

骑电动车撞碎玻璃自动门 妇女起身走人网民炮轰

太让人傻眼了,阿姨夹着电动代步车撞破玻璃门,然后站起身给电动车熄火后,推车走人,网友都不禁问道“原来她能走的啊!”、“撞破玻璃门就能站起来?康复了?”,要求这位撞破玻璃门的阿姨赔偿。 新捷运于6月1日在脸书上载了一段取自闭路电视的视频,显示在大巴窑巴士转站发生了一宗“撞后逃”事件。视频中只见一名妇女骑着蓝色的电动代步车,撞上正在缓缓打开的玻璃自动门。其中一则的玻璃门被妇女的电动车撞碎了,而妇女才似乎刹车成功般恁了一下,站了起来。她将掉在地上的篮子捡起来后,就推车离开现场。 新捷运在有关视频上提心民众,在室内使用代步工具时要小心,并且表示庆幸此事件并没有造成任何人受伤。 该公司随后也已经报警,警方表示已经接获报案,展开调查。 质疑妇女没行动问题 此视频上载至今吸引了368个评论、482个人反应,以及1627个人转发。 网友多调侃地表示,原来类似意外所引起的惊吓,能够让人立刻站起来。 网民也质疑该名妇女是否真的需要用到电动代步工具,因为她其实能够一瞬间就站起来,类似并没有行动上的问题。 应没收电动车付维修费 网民表示,既然妇女都能行动自如,就应该为她所酿的祸负责。 网友Matthias Sim也提醒新捷运公司,务必让撞碎玻璃门的妇女负责维修费,而不是使用人民的税务来修补。他也要求充公妇女的电动代步车,“显而易见的,她尝试加速才导致玻璃门被撞碎。如果她能够毫发无伤的脱离此事,那么她将不会从事件中吸取教训。”…