Man caught attempting to breach Woodlands checkpoint
A 33 year-old was arrested at Woodlands Checkpoint as he attempted to breach security barriers yesterday. The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority arrested the Malaysian man who attempted to drive out of the checkpoint while undergoing checks. This incident follows other widely reported cases of breaches to our checkpoints, including one where a woman escaped arrest, moved around in Singapore for days and finally breached security at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

More Internet control tools for parents
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) might soon have to offer some parental Internet controls tools for free. According to the Media Development Authority, awareness among parents about such controls that help parents monitor and guide their children’s Internet usage is “quite low”. As such, MDA has proposed a set of enhancements to current requirements, which includes requiring ISPs to obtain written or verbal instruction from consumers on whether or not they want these tools.
1,000 healthcare workers to help handle pioneer package questions
About 1,000 frontline workers at public healthcare institutions and polyclinics will be trained to answer public queries about the Pioneer Generation Package. They will also be trained to identify and affirm the the eligibility of patients for the package at the registration and billing stages of their visit to the clinics. While seven in 10 Singaporeans have heard of the package, less than half are aware of other issues like eligibility and specific benefits.
Singaporean diver drowns near Tioman Island
A 30 year-old Singaporean woman drowned while diving near Tioman Island on Saturday. Ms Sim Qiu Yan was on a diving trip with eight others during the Easter long weekend. She was reported missing at 11.55am and her body was recovered at about 10pm on 17 April.
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