By Tiffany Gwee
A 40-year-old man and his one-year-old daughter were found lying motionless on a grass patch near the bottom of Block 280 in Yishun Street 22 yesterday morning. A loud thud was heard by many residents who were nearby and a lady reportedly tried to perform Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the child who seemed unconscious.
Soon after, an ambulance was sent to the scene and the man was pronounced dead. The child was rushed to Khoo Tech Puat Hospital where she died later.
It is believed they had fallen at the same time and from a flowerpot rack on the 12th storey.
According to a local news source, the girl was “in a flowery dress, was bleeding from her ears, and lying about a metre away from her father”. It was also said that the man “appeared to be financially well-off”.
It was reported that the man’s family lives in an executive maisonette next to the one he and his daughter had fallen from. His wife is also said to be pregnant and due to give birth two months from now.
Another newspaper reported that before his death, “he had breakfast with his wife and told her that he would take their daughter shopping”.
The family and extended family members were in shock after the news and were clueless as to why this had happened.
The police have classified their deaths as unnatural and investigations are still ongoing.
Just earlier this week on Monday, a 66-year-old man and his son fell to their deaths in Clementi West as well, making this the second of such an incident to happen this week.
Photo taken by: Wang Yan Yan

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