Following the recent Aljunied – Hougang – Punggol East Town Council auditing saga, Workers’ Party Secretary-General Mr. Low Thia Khiang has stated that he “welcomes” the audit by the auditing general.
He feels that it is only “natural” that this issue has stirred up much doubt amongst the residents as there are some who are suspicious of the Town Council’s independent auditor’s report. However, he is also extremely “confident” that none of the Town Council’s funds were lost, and that there was no involvement of any form of illegal payment or transaction. 
Mr. Low pointed out that he is “technically not qualified” to comment on the reason as to why the Town Council did not meet the auditors’ requirements. He believes that if the people are uncertain about the situation, the matter can be handed over to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) or the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) for further investigation.
“This is why we welcome the Ministry of National Development’s request, with the help of relevant ministries, to conduct an audit on us. It is only when we are able to look at this incident with the right perspective that we can move on.”
Cover photo taken by Christine Choo
Translated from original report here

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杨莉明发律师信 网民Donald Liew 道歉

昨日(20日),人力部长杨莉明以个人名义透过律师信,要求社运份子范国瀚以及名为Donald Liew的人士,撤回有关指责她与丈夫涉嫌从设立社区护理设施牟利的言论。 据了解,今日上午Donald Liew已在脸书作出毫无保留道歉,也删除早前贴文,承认有关指控不实。不过,范国瀚至截稿为止仍未有针对此事,作出声明。 杨莉明在律师信的声明中澄清,有关项目是由盛裕控股集团,与卫生部和国家发展部直接洽谈。 “我与我的丈夫都未曾参与有关项目的授权或金钱交易”。因此,她反驳早前有关牟取暴利和贪污的指控是不实的。 另一方面,卫生部和国家发展部也发表联合文告,驳斥有关指控。 文告称,淡马锡接下任务时同意,该集团和相关公司,将以成本价或低于成本的价格完成任务,不会从中牟利。而淡马锡在确认了博览中心这个地点后,就要求盛裕集团协助,设立社区护理设施。 至于杨莉明表示,若对方撤回指控并道歉,自己无意继续追究此事或要求赔偿。与此同时,也要求上述二人捐赠1000元,给客工援助基金。

A note to donors

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