The Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) is not taking any further action against the bus driver involved in the accidental death of Indian national, Sakthivel Kumaravelu, in December. Mr Sakthivel’s death had sparked the riot which subsequently took place.
“The Prosecution studied all the relevant facts carefully and concluded that the bus-driver is not criminally liable for the road traffic accident that led to the death of the pedestrian,” the AGC said. “This was an unfortunate tragic accident, but the Prosecution’s duty remains to assess the facts objectively and to apply the law in an even-handed and fair way.”
The AGC said that “no offence was committed by the driver in relation to the fatal accident”. It explained that “at the point of the accident, the driver was filtering out of Tekka Lane into Race Course Road. The driver was watching out for oncoming traffic from his right, and could not be expected to foresee that the deceased had run after the moving bus. Nor could the driver have expected that the deceased would fall into the path of the bus.”
The AGC revealed that it had made the decision to take no further action against the driver, Mr Lim Kim Huat, after studying investigations reports by the Traffic Police. The evidence considered by the AGC included report from an independent expert, statements from “all relevant witnesses”, video footage of the incident, visits to the scene by various experts and autopsy and toxicology reports, and medical evidence.

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