The National Family Council yesterday changed its name to Families For Life, in a bid to demonstrate it’s commitment to connect with Singapore families.
Council chairman Mr Chin Wei Hong believes that “families today are facing increasing complexities that add pressure to their family life, such as balancing work-life demands, and caring for young children while looking after elderly parents.”
Families For Life also outlined their planned activities for the year, which includes a Marriage Convention in March themed “Building Marriage Foundations”, National Family Celebrations, and Singapore Parenting Congress.
The council also has plans to use social media channels, which would allow Singaporeans to share their experiences, ideas and advice on family matters.
Council member Brian Liu believes that there is a need to “encourage Singaporeans to talk about family issues”, which is generally “not easy to do given our cultural context”.
“I sincerely hope that all our initiatives will continually encourage and inspire Singaporeans to reflect on and review their commitments to their families.”

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