Image by Calvin Teo, August 2006 – Wikipedia

The National Parks Board and the National Heritage Board yesterday jointly announced the submission of the Singapore Botanic Gardens for nomination as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The submission document contained details of the Gardens’ historical, economic and socio-cultural importance, and Singapore’s long-term commitment towards the Gardens’ protection should UNESCO choose to awarded it World Heritage status.
The submission follows a four-month public consultation process led by the National Heritage Board (NHB) and the National Parks Board (NParks).
Over the four-month public consultation period, more than 200 feedback submissions were received from the public, with most participants contributing memories about enjoying the Gardens or pledging their support for the bid.
Bukit Brown was not included in the submission, despite it having been placed on the World Monuments Watch 2014 list late last year.
NHB was quoted by media sources in October 2013 as saying, it was “working with the public sector and community to document and promote the cemetery’s heritage and explore how this could be preserved, retold and/or integrated with future developments for the area.”
It remains to be seen if Bukit Brown, already ahead of the Botanic Gardens in being recognised by the World Monuments Fund, would also be considered by the authorities for UNESCO ranking.
Image by Calvin Teo, August 2006 – Wikipedia

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