Caleb Rpzario
The Singapore Police says it has established the identity of a 23-year-old Singaporean man who is believed to be responsible for “transmitting” a “false message under Section 45(a) of the Telecommunications Act, Chapter 323.”
The police was replying to a Facebook message from Mr Jason Lee who had informed the police of a Facebook posting of one Mr Caleb Rozario. [See here.] Mr Rozario had threatened to “blow MBS up”, referring apparently to Marina Bay Sands. His Facebook page had also contained derogatory and insulting remarks of Singaporeans.
Mr Rozario’s Facebook post said:

“I am not scared of toc and all these blogs, i am gonna blow MBS up sooner or later.”
“I am not scared of all these online blogs, and like Anton Casey say, Singaporeans r just wussy that bow down to Foreign Talent like me, I will get away from this and u an’t do anything abt it. U can’t even find where I work hahahah fuck u Singaporean Pigs, I will still report to work on Monday while I still continue to insult your pathetic swines.”

You can view some of Mr Rozario’s postings on Singapore Press Holdings’ Hardwarezone Forum here.
He has since taken down his Facebook page.
Mr Lee told the police, “This is a serious matter concerning our national security and we hope that you will not take it lightly by brushing it aside.” He also informed the police that he would be bringing the matter to the attention of Law Minister, K Shanmugam. We understand that he has done so since.
“It is in the public interest that an investigation be conducted against Caleb Rozario – regardless of his nationality – for the serious threat made by him,” Mr Lee said.
When asked by this writer why he thought it was important to bring the matter to the attention of the police, Mr Lee said, “We must take threats to our national security seriously. It’s a bomb threat.”
On 28 January 2014, a 41-year-old man, reported to be a Malaysian, was arrested for making a bomb threat via a phone call to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) Operations Room located at Woodlands Checkpoint.
Commander of Jurong Police Division, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Wilson Lim, commended his officers for their excellent investigative follow-up which resulted in the quick arrest of the suspect within 36 hours, reported local news.
He added, “We take all bomb threats seriously and will deal sternly with persons who perpetuate such acts of mischief”.
The police said, of the 23-year old man, “He is currently assisting with investigations for the offence of transmitting a false message under Section 45(a) of the Telecommunications Act, Chapter 323. Offenders may be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years or to a fine not exceeding $50 000, or both.”

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