Magazine, The Asian Parent (Singapore edition], reported on Thursday an alleged attempt at kidnapping of a child in Chinatown on the same day.
The Asian Parent’s report was based on a message on the 2013 Mums Whatsapp group, it says.
Here is a screenshot of the message:
The magazine described how the alleged attempted kidnapping might have happened:

“It seems that while setting off to do some festive shopping at Chinatown earlier today with her toddler in the stroller, Mum confronted a Chinese man who was trying to snatch her phone. As the commotion was taking place, the wife of the Chinese man pushed the stroller with the toddler strapped in.
“Filled with fear over the possibility of the Chinese woman running away with her toddler, Mum cried and shouted for help. Passers-by who heard her cries stopped in their tracks to check out the source of the commotion – some helped to grab hold of the Chinese woman before she could scoot off with the stroller and the toddler.”

The Online Citizen is unable to verify the accuracy of the report and would like to request that anyone who knows the Chinese couple or the mother of the child to contact us at: [email protected].
We highlight this story in view of the current busy festive period in various areas around Singapore and would like to urge parents to exercise extra caution when they are out and about with their children.
Earlier this month, the mother of the CEO of supermarket chain Sheng Siong was kidnapped by two individuals. The 79-year old mother has since been rescued and the two men arrested. [See here.] Read the rest of the Asian Parent report here: “Toddler nearly kidnapped in Chinatown – You’d never believe what mum had to do!”

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