On Sunday, 15 December 2013, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela will be laid to rest in Qunu, South Africa.

As world leaders gather in South Africa to pay their respect, and as the country comes together in mourning, we in Singapore want to show our love, respect and gratitude as well.

MARUAH, The Online Citizen and Function 8 have come together to organise “To Mandela with Love and Respect” at the Speakers’ Corner, Hong Lim Park, on Sunday, 15 December.

The organisers would like to invite individuals in Singapore who have been touched by the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela to come out and commemorate him.

Speakers at the event include –

  • Braema Mathi, President of MARUAH
  • Peter Low, Former President of Singapore Law Society, Lawyer
  • Teo Soh Lung, Retired Lawyer
  • Dr Jonathan Marshall,  Adjunct Assoc. Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
  • A representative from The Online Citizen

The event will also include performances by the Singapore Djembe Drumming Group and Michaela Therese.

To fully experience the event, the organisers would like to encourage all participants to bring with them candles, torches or glowsticks, as well as posters of the image of Nelson Mandela or quotes from him. As the event is held in an open area, we advise participants to be prepared for rain.


Date : 15 December (Sunday)
Time : 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Venue :
Speakers’ Corner
Hong Lim Park
Upper Pickering Street
Singapore 058284


Facebook event page :  https://www.facebook.com/events/207909859396108/

Media : The event is open to full media coverage

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