Mother Rajaletchumi

Write up by Spore MGR Sultan

The sad part of the lost life of Saktivel Kumaravel.

Mother Rajaletchumi who lost her husband in year 2007. Who presently still working as a hard labour job. In southern part of India Puthukottai district, Seegambaram Area is where they reside. Mother Rajaletchumi has 3 children, Kumaravel 33, Ramesh 25, and a daughter Mageshwari.

Mother Rajaletchumi was unaware of the accident which her son had. While during her work in India, she was informed of the shocking news which brought her great shock and unbearable grievousness. With the earnings of Kumaravel, he managed to do her sister marriage in May. Sister Mageshwari and her husband stayed in Kerala Thiruchur. But just past her 3rd month of her marriage,  she was murdered by robbers while she was alone at home. Kumaravel came back to India and stayed for 10 days and return to work in Singapore again.

Just 4 months passed after her daughter’s death,   and now hearing son Kumaravel death Mother Rajaletchumi could not bear the pain. Worst off their home was destroyed in flood 30 years ago. They were living in a small land where the government of India provided them. But losing a daughter and loosing her son just within a year is unbearable for Mother Rajaletchumi.

Despite herself working as a hard labour, I dont know whether her heart has the strength further. She is seeking help for support from the Indian Government. My heart feels for Mother Rajaletchumi and my heart says we have a part to contribute. I’m pleading on behalf of Mother Rajaletchumi to help her from her hardship and we know we can’t bring back the lost life.

Translated from sources in India News.

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