By Terry Xu

Acting Minister for Ministry of Manpower (MOM), Tan Chuan Jin alerted members of the public via his facebook page that there is a fake MOM website created. The facebook status update was later shared by the official fanpage of the MOM.

He wrote,

Dear all, it has come to our attention that there is a duplicate of MOM’s corporate website – We have lodged a case with the Police and investigations are ongoing.
We would like to clarify that members of the public should only use the official MOM website at for all informational and transactional needs concerning MOM matters.
At the same time, we would also like to assure everyone that access to the official MOM website remains unaffected and no data has been compromised.
You can stay tuned to this page and follow us on our Twitter page(@MOM_sg) for updates pertaining to this situation. Thank you.

A police report has been made on this website and police investigations are already in the process, said Mr Tan.

Phishing sites are websites that  attempt to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as the official website of the assumed company or organization by having the visitor enter the data in the forms.

Fortunately, there does not seem to be any forms are present for citizens to key in their Singpass but after all this site is an exact replicate of the official MOM website. Perhaps it might be prudent for the Media Development Authority (MDA) to block the website like how they did in the case of adultery website, Ashley Madison to prevent any possible unfortunate revealing of personal information to the site or even wrong information disseminated to the general public about the MOM.

Update – As late night of 29th November, the duplicate site of MOM is no longer accessible.

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