By Leong Sze Hian

Champion workers’ rights?

I refer to the article “Why I champion workers’ rights: Halimah Yacob” (Straits Times, Nov 26).

It states that “what drove her to help develop global employment standards as the workers’ vice-chairperson of the standards committee for the International Labour Conference in Geneva”.

“Illegal” workers waiting for compensation? 

In this connection, the article “Workers find illegal jobs through informal network” (Straits Times, Nov 25) said that “most of them are injured as a result of their legal work. They ran away from their official employers because they were not paid and are afraid they may be sent home.

Cannot work – how to survive?

Their work permits are cancelled but they have been issued special passes, which allow them to stay in Singapore legally as they wait for compensation. They are not allowed to work when holding special passes but many ignore the law”.

How do these “illegal” workers survive if they are not allowed to work?

No income, no food, no lodging?

Are there any developed countries in the world that have such a system whereby workers awaiting compensation have to work “illegally” in order to have some meager income for food and lodging?

As to “Desperate to get hired, the men, who usually stay in shop-houses in Little India, take on jobs without haggling for more pay” – I understand that most of them sleep along the corridors of shophouses after they close, and depend on non-government organizations (NGOs) to issue a card to enable them to get free food everyday.

I have over the years, brought several foreign journalists to these places, to report on the plight of such workers.

Treat foreign workers well because it’s right? 

I would like to applaud Professor Chan Heng Chee’s remarks,

“It is our moral duty as human beings to treat others with dignity and respect. This applies to peer as well as subordinate.”

It should not be the law that forces us to do so. We should treat them well, feed them adequately, allow rest time and abuse of workers should be ruled out” (Treat migrant workers well because it’s right to do so”, Straits Times, Nov 25).

Parliament, labour movement – voice people’s concerns? 

With regard to “She (Halimah Yacob) said Parliament is one of the key institutions upholding democracy here and that sessions are in-depth and robust ……….. they are the voice of the people and they voice the people’s concerns, needs and aspirations”- how did we end up with the current state whereby, arguably the most fundamental right of workers – a decent pay – is at issue?

Over 500,000 earn below $1,500?

In this connection, I estimate that over 500,000 Singaporeans earn less than $1,500 a month, and about 400,000 earn less than $1,200.

ComCare, Medifund, etc, statistics worsening?

The number of Singaporeans who may be struggling to make ends meet appears to be increasing, if we look at the ComCare, Medifund, etc, statistics.

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林志蔚投稿《联合早报》 最低工资需足以反映“生活工资”

续上周针对最低薪金制议题,在国会与执政党议员交锋,工人党盛港集选区议员林志蔚也投稿《联合早报》,续阐述对于最低工资和政府渐进式薪资模式的比较。 尽管林志蔚的国会辩论获得广大报导和讨论,惟他也认为,论述中某些较细致复杂的部分却似乎被埋没。他表示,朝野双方都同意有必要向收入最低的工友给予援助,而通过某种形式的最低工资制,来提高工友工资也是做法之一。 “国务资政尚达曼甚至把渐进式薪金模式称为“加强版最低工资制”,可见这两项提议之间并不存在巨大的差距。” 当然,从设计上说,制定最低工资确实有可能造成失业率上升,进而降低经济效率。在我们看来,为了加强社会公正,作出一定的权衡取舍是值得的。更何况,全球各地数百项研究的证据也显示,只要不把最低工资定得太高,最低工资制对就业的影响微乎其微,甚至无法察觉。 而政府渐进式薪金制(PWM)和最低薪金制的差异,在于后者主张定下一个简单划一、适用于经济体系中所有工薪阶层的最低收入水平。“相比之下,渐进式薪金模式则根据不同行业设定不同的最低工资,同时为工资增幅制定额外层级,让工友随着掌握更多技能、赚取更高工资。” 渐进式薪金模式自2012年首次公布,并于2015年起正式推行以来,仅涵盖三个行业领域,覆盖收入处于底层第30个百分位数的受薪工友当中仅20巴仙人口。 但是,若让渐进式薪金模式以更快速步伐覆盖所有行业,正如全国职工总会副秘书长许宝琨所期许,那至少就最低工资的概念而言,这两种制度之间几乎没什么实际区别。 唯一有待厘清的,就只剩下必须决定工资最低的行业应有的最低工资水平。由于所有其他行业的最低工资都不可能低于这个底限,因此工人党在乎的是,这个工资底限水平必须足以反映“生活工资”,意即足以维持基本生活费。 虽然渐进式薪金模式具备让工友提升技能的灵活性和奖励元素,看似有一定的好处和优势,但是林志蔚认为,设计更简单的最低工资制,成效会更显著。最低工资制体现了这项政策的目标:确保努力工作的国人能赚取足够收入来维持生活。 “工人党建议把最低工资定为1300元。我们是根据政府2019年一家四口的家庭平均基本生活必需品开支调查报告得出这个数额。当然,我们没必要固执地紧咬着这个数字不放。就如我在国会上回应其他议员提问时也曾说过,我的建议是成立一个独立的全国理事会来探讨这个问题,决定最低工资水平,并在必要时定期修订这个数额。” 第二,根据不同行业设定不同的最低工资水平,可能会间接鼓励业者抱着侥幸心态钻漏洞,以至于违背了推行这个模式的初衷。打个比方,一些雇主可能刻意篡改行业领域的类别,以便符合资格采用适用于这个特定行业的较低工资底限。随着更多行业推行渐进式薪金模式,这种滥用情况恐怕只会更严重。 第三,为不同的行业设定不同的最低工资水平、工资层级,以及种种条件和标准,只会使行政工作变得非常繁琐复杂。这还会带来额外的交易成本,并为制度注入诸多低效元素。这些额外的低效元素对经济可能造成的负担,比起从一开始就推行最低工资制,恐怕还要更沉重。…

前线抗疫人员获一个月特别花红 王瑞杰:财案对疫情作“妥当”应对

除了宣布总统、总理、部长等人将减薪一个月,副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰也表示,前线抗疫人员将获得一个月特别花红,肯定他们的牺牲贡献。 受惠的包括卫生部、政府医院医护人员、以及其他在前线协助抗疫的人员等。 王瑞杰称,若武汉冠状病毒(COVID-19)演变为全球大规模的流行病,对全球经济带来深远影响,我国仍有足够财政资源作出应对。 他认为当前预算案的规模是适当的,“我们调整之,以为我国经济注入足够的购买力,且增加市场信心。” 他说,比起经济学家的预期我国拟定更高的预算案,考量当前全球下行和更多的不确定因素。 王瑞杰在本月18日宣布2020财政预算案,其中着重支援就业,例如经济稳定与支援配套,至于雇佣大量本地工友的中小企业,也是关注重点。 他认为,若有更好就业保障,工友能保持更好的心态继续接受培训,也不必减少消费。 政府将为五大受冠病19疫情影响的行业——旅游、航空、零售、餐饮和点对点服务,额外援助。 为能协助企业保留员工,政府将实施 加强“应变与提升计划”(Adapt and Grow)来支持这些领域。其中政府将提升资助从三个月延长至六个月,以助员工在低迷时期,能够进行培训和技能提升,为经济复苏做好准备。

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