Malaysians Want Tit for Tat: Credit Card Choices Show More People are Making Informed Decisions

Kuala Lumpur – More and more Malaysians are becoming financially savvy when it comes to their credit card choices, according to data from CompareHero. The financial comparison website recorded a surge in users comparing financial products and services. Among the most popular categories are credit cards.

“The data that we have is really remarkable in the sense that it does reflect that many Malaysians are becoming finance-savvy,” CompareHero Managing Director Floyd Sijmons says, talking about the trend in internal leads the company has generated. CompareHero was launched just this year and is currently expanding into other areas of financial comparison. The website has seen more and more users comparing financial services and products after its recent redesign and aggressive marketing campaigns.

So far, Sijmons says the emerging trends are rather interesting, as the data points out how users are “showing interest in products where they can gain something in return.” When comparing credit cards, for example, users have a tendency to favour cards that offer specific perks and privileges.

CompareHero’s data shows that out of all the credit cards the website compares, many Malaysians are favouring credit cards that offer specific incentives such as air miles and loyalty points. The leading incentives include:

  • Petrol incentives
  • Frequent flyer miles
  • Car-based incentives
  • Cash back incentives
  • Rebate loyalty rewards

This trend is made possible by CompareHero’s unique platform where users can collect personalized output and compare thousands of credit cards without leaving the website. As users enjoy greater understanding of what credit cards offer which perks and incentives, they show more interest in options that relate to their own financial situations.

Sijmons pointed out that CompareHero’s task doesn’t end with mere comparison, but also extends to the need to continuously assist Malaysians on their quest to empower themselves financially. “My goal is to break down the stigma of personal finance being “too intimidating” to take on without a financial advisor or broker. Malaysians are intelligent to do so, we just need to show them the way,” he said enthusiastically.

CompareHero’s mission has always been to help its Malaysian users save money by making better informed purchase decisions through providing a free and convenient comparison platform they can use to compare products and services. Beyond that, CompareHero also aims to be a one-stop shop for information, resources, and guides that its users can use to become even more financially savvy.

The new dataset of credit card comparison output confirms that CompareHero is on the right track, and it is providing Malaysians with a unique and valuable free service that they can leverage to regain control over their finances.

Find more information about CompareHero by visiting


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