The British High Commission is pleased to announce that HMS Daring, one of the Royal Navy’s most advanced warships, will visit Singapore from 27 October 2013. During her visit she will take part in Bersama Shield, a naval exercise conducted within the auspices of the Five Power Defence Arrangements.

While she is here, UK Trade & Investment will also host a Defence & Security Industry Day on board for a number of leading UK defence and security companies, many of whom have equipment onboard and in service elsewhere within the Royal Navy. Their equipment and services range from combat systems, satellite and communications systems, propulsion, and unmanned air vehicles.

During the visit, the crew of HMS Daring will be undertaking a number of community outreach activities with visits to the Rainbow Centre as well as an event with Riding for the Disabled. They will also visit Kranji War Cemetery with World War Two veterans. Detailed information on these activities will be issued closer to the events.

Speaking in advance of HMS Daring’s arrival HE Antony Phillipson, the British High Commissioner to Singapore, said: “I am delighted that HMS Daring, one of the most advanced ships in the Royal Navy, will be visiting Singapore.

Her participation in exercises under the Five Power Defence Arrangements demonstrates the UK’s ongoing commitment to our defence relationship with Singapore and our global reach. She also provides a powerful platform for UK companies to highlight a number of innovative and leading edge defence and security technologies and capabilities.”

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