By Terry Xu

The above video shows a chinese dance performed during the National Day observance ceremony in Teck Gwee Primary school. This video has been circulating around on social media attracting plenty of comments posted to question the appropriateness of the dance for the ceremony.

A netizen posted a videolink on facebook, with the comment,
“I came across this disturbing video in my fb feed. It supposedly shows students of a MOE primary school in Singapore performing a PRC china communist song 女兵走在大街上 during Singapore’s National Day celebration.” That facebook videolink is now either hidden from public view or deleted.

The video is likely to be taken this year as the backdrop shows the design for this year’s national day celebration theme, “Many stories, One Singapore”

ashura39 on youtube snarky commented, “maybe times have changed! maybe it’s not illegal to sing and dance to communist political ideology anymore!”

Checking with a veteran dance instructor who has been teaching chinese dance for over 30 years in Singapore, she comments that this dance seems to be adapted from a children’s variety show on China’s television network. On the question if there is any artistic value to justify using this choreography for national day, she says that there is no artistic aspect to this dance as this is meant for very young children to dance to and it is inappropriate to use this piece for National Day performance.

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