
The National Family Council has unveiled Singapore’s first Family Pledge on Tuesday.

“We, the people of Singapore,
pledge to build strong and happy Families.
We affirm the commitment of marriage
between husband and wife.
And take responsibility to nurture our children,
and respect our elders.
We celebrate and honour
the roles of each Family member.
And uphold the Family as the foundation”

Channel News Asia reports

It was launched during an appreciation lunch, hosted by Acting Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing for organisers, partners and sponsors of this year’s National Family Celebrations.

The pledge is written by the National Family Council with input from stakeholders, including the youth sub-committee of the organising committee of this year’s National Family Celebrations.

It aims to encourage good family practices, such as affirming commitment between husband and wife, and taking responsibility to nurture children and respect elders.
Mr Lim Soon Hock, chairman of National Family Council, said: “Research has shown that when people make a commitment through a pledge, it is more likely that they (will) carry it out.”

But who are the stakeholders mentioned in the report? Families like mine and yours?

Making a visit to the NFC’s website, Joshua Chiang, former editor of TOC comments,

“Notice something in the scrolling banners of the homepage of this website? Yup. Every single person in the picture appears to be either a Chinese or an Eurasian. So it appears that not only does the NFC not recognize single parent, divorced, or LGBT families as families, but members of other ethnicities need not apply?”

Kirsten Han, writes in her latest blog post,

“While aiming to encourage family life in Singapore, this pledge excludes same-sex couples, divorced parents, single parents, or anyone not in a ‘traditional’ nuclear family structure. According to this pledge, these people don’t deserve to be seen as families. On top of the everyday struggles of a single parent in Singapore – because, for some reason, the state can’t seem to treat them like any other parent – we have added this giant stinking whopper of an insult. Here you go, just a little reminder that you’re not accepted here.”

Can recital of a pledge really hope to achieve the goals of encouraging good family practices?

Is it simply an attempt to coerce the general public to conform to the mentality of a traditional family nucleus which the government has been stuck with in terms of policies making. ie, HDB allocation which had been based on?

What are your thoughts over this first ever Family Pledge?

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一名不愿具名的人民行动党基层资深社运份子(activist)日前告知《海峡时报》,猜测选举最早在五月举行。 根据本地媒体《新报》(The New Paper)报导,这名社运份子认为疫情的稳定将影响召开选举的时间,但不认为会在下个月举行。 “我们需要等候黄循财部长早前提及的30天窗口-确保人民可以安全投票。” 故此他猜测只要情况稳定下来,选举最早在五月举行。“那么总理会启动按钮(动员)。我们不敢肯定,不过这也是我们预料的。”一些社运份子也猜测届时会以直播方式来取代群众集会。 早前国家发展部长黄循财在本月15日宣布,从16日起过去14天曾去过东盟(ASEAN)国家、瑞士、英国、日本等地的旅客、本地居民和长期准证持有者,都需要遵守14天的居家通知(Stay-Home Notice)。 《新报》也分析,选举不太可能在四月举行的原因之一,是选民册还待更新。总理早前的脸书贴文也释放这种信息,这过程需耗时一月。在那之后,国会才能解散和发出选举令状。 选区范围检讨委会在去年8月成立,历时近7个月后才在上周13日公布报告。根据以往经验,在报告出炉后,也昭示着选举已迫在眉睫。 不过,不论民间还是在野政党,早前都对疫情当下却有选举的风声表达关注。他们认为当前应专注抗疫,且尽量避免人群聚集。

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