24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2013
The Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall

Have an idea for a play?
Liberate your ideas at the 24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2013

Whether armed with a pen and paper, a laptop or a typewriter, participants are given the challenge to write a play within 24 hours.

The competition provides a platform to liberate ideas and to create new writing; and what better place to inspire the spirit of liberation than at the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall? Reopened to the public in October 2011, the Memorial Hall traces Dr. Sun’s revolutionary activities in the Southeast Asian region and highlights the impact of the 1911 Chinese Revolution on Singapore as well as Singapore’s contributions to the Revolution.

One of the winning plays will be treated to a full production and taken on a performance tour of 10 venues in the South East District in 2013/2014.

Organised by TheatreWorks Writers’ Laboratory in collaboration with South East Community Development Council (CDC), the 24-Hour Playwriting Competition is in its 16th year! The competition is a popular annual event in Singapore.

Event details:
Date: 17 – 18 August 2013
Time: 4pm – 4pm
Venue: Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, 12 Tai Gin Road, Singapore 327874

Competition Categories:
Youth: 15 – 18 years old
Open: 19 years old and above

Registration Fee:
Youth Category: S$30
Open Category: S$40

Prizes for each category:
1st Prize: S$700
2nd Prize: S$500
3rd Prize: S$300
Merit: S$100

To register, please download the application form from www.theatreworks.org.sg and email to [email protected] by 3 August 2013. There will only be 70 slots available for registration



About the 24-Hour Playwriting Competition

Started in 1997, the 24-Hour Playwriting Competition will be in its 16th edition this year. As the only playwriting competition of its kind in Singapore, the competition is known for its unconventional locations. Over the years, the competition has occupied places like IKEAS, Gardens by the Bay, the SAF Yacht Club, Outward Bound Singapore at Pulau Ubin, Aloha Resorts Changi, as well as the Eurasian Community House. This will be the 6th year that the competition will be presented in collaboration with the South East CDC as one of the highlighting events of the South East District Arts Engagement 2013.

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