By Terry Xu

The Online Citizen was invited for a sneak preview to the campaign video promoting the Pink Dot event just before it was being launched on its youtube channel and posting on the official Pink Dot fanpage.

This year, apart from the two corporate sponsors, Google and Barclays from last year’s Pink Dot 2012. The organizers of Pink Dot announced a total of four new corporate sponsors to the event, showing their support openly for this annual event.

They are newly opened Park Royal hotel (Just beside Hong Lim Park), global financial firm – J.P. Morgan, contact lens specialist – CooperVision and audio branding agency – The Gunnery.

Also introducing the three well-known figures who are the ambassadors for this year’s event. Mark Richmond, well known sports caster, Ivan Heng, acclaimed thespian and Artistic Director of theatre company W!ld Rice and Michelle Chia, popular TV host and actress

Pink Dot Ambassador Ivan Heng speaking at the preview, said this as he held a cup of quarter filled glass of water in his hands,

“Because if you are a gay man or a lesbian woman in Singapore. You carry this burden… because you don’t know what to do because of the discrimination, prejudice of the hatred. Many people carry this burden in Singapore because if you cannot be yourself, you’re carrying this glass of water, you’re carrying this unfinished thing, you have a burden and you can’t be yourself. You are uncomforatable and imcomplete, you can’t find a safe place to settle down.It robs you of being a full human being or someone that is able to be himself or herself.”

The campaign video casted over 70 over volunteers, seeking to tell the stories which many LGBTs can relate to. Questions some may ponder about after viewing this video. “Why do people have to discriminate a relationship between similar genders?”, “Why do people have to ridicule people who dare to be themselves?”.

The campaign video of Pink Dot 2013

Boo Junfeng’s note on the campaign video,

“This year, we wanted to tell the stories that define what home is to many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in this country. Naturally, we found inspiration in “Home”, an evergreen National Day song that a lot of Singaporeans grew up with.

So we approached Dick Lee, who wrote the song in 1997. To our delight, not only did he grant us permission to use it, he offered us a special rendition he recorded in 2010.

We found new meaning in the lyrics as we listened to the familiar tune, thinking about the stories we wanted to tell. About a woman coming home to a family who is not fully accepting of her sexuality, about a couple who grew old together in a society that can be more open-minded, about a young transgender person who is finding her place in a country she calls home.

We believe the emotions portrayed in the video are universal; we hope the video speaks to you regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity.”

I gave a standing applause for the video during the preview (Well, I was actually already standing at that time). But seriously, the short video brought tears to my eyes at the part where the male partner had to sneak into the hospital just to see his beloved partner. Wonderful cinematography and the unique heart warming rendition of Dick Lee’s “Home” makes this campaign one of the best campaign video ever this year. There should be an award given for this video somehow.

Nevertheless, hopefully this video has brought some warmth into those in LGBT community who are in need of solidarity amongst their daily struggles and also created some thoughts within those who did not give much thought into the difficulties faced by the LGBT people in Singapore. And also attracting more LGBT people and their supporters to turn up for the annual event held at Hong Lim Park this year, 29th June.

So do drop down for the Pink Dot event that will be held this coming 29th June 2013. This year will be once again an evening event with all participants turning up with their pink torch and forming the dazzling pink dot from Hong Lim Park.

Event Details

Title : Pink Dot 2013

Venue : Hong Lim Park

Date : 29th June 2013

Time : 4.00 pm – 10.00pm

Activities commence at 4pm, and our Dot will be formed at 7:30pm. Concert will start at 530pm

Notes : Please bring along a torch that shines pink light. Organizers welcome participants to turn up at Hong Lim Park prior to 5pm for a picnic in the park.



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