Strike Out! forum highlights labour and civil rights
By Benjamin Cheah
On Sunday afternoon, a group of advocates and lawyers hosted a forum on labour issues at Conclave. Titled Strike Out!, it was conducted as a follow-up to an earlier forum in 9 December 2012 and focused on the recent strike conducted by Chinese bus drivers formerly working in SMRT.
Migrant workers are not commodities
Mr Sinapan Samydorai, President of Think Centre, opened the forum by providing background information about the strike. “Migrant workers are not commodities,” he said. “Neither are they slaves.”
Mr Samydorai described the difficulties faced by the bus drivers. They had to pay $7000-7200 to a recruiting agent, and then signed a contract printed in English without understanding what the contract meant. This contract was then substituted in Singapore. They were not informed that employees of different nationalities would be paid different salaries. Their passports were confiscated and their dorms were infested with bedbugs. When some workers complained, their management refused to listen, instead repatriating them.
“Some overseas trade unions said the protection of labour rights in Singapore is worse than China,” Mr Samydorai said, referring to comments from the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions.
Mr Samydorai said the strike had achieved its objectives. The Chinese workers were given a $25 across-the-board salary increase, along with annual wage supplement and year-end annual variable bonus. Hotlines were installed in dorms, and the bedbugs removed.
Shifting the topic to migrant workers in general, Mr Samydorai said they did not have union membership and had no knowledge of labour rights. This made them vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous employers.
Mr Samydorai then argued that Singapore had less labour protection mechanisms than other countries. Singapore did not ratify international treaties on freedom of association and employment and occupational discrimination. Singapore also denounced the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention in 1979.
“The erosion of labour rights began in 1959 after the PAP government was formed,” he said. To create an investor-friendly environment, he said the government restricted or removed laws that favoured workers. The 1968 Employment Act allowed employers to hire and fire without giving reasons; and reduced holidays, rest days and leave while increasing holiday pay. The Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act limited the ability of workers to conduct industrial action in essential services, and banned political and solidarity strikes. These laws effectively favoured employers, managers and investors at the workers’ expense.
Mr Samydorai’s last point was that the current wage system was set up to “break worker solidarity”. Migrant workers are paid less than Singaporeans, and wages for locals are maintained at low level compared to productivity levels. Employers also do not contribute CPF monies to foreign workers. In doing so, he argues, this system gets workers to “blame each other” instead of taking a collective look at the wage system.
Under the Eye of Big Brother
Jolovan Wham continued the forum by discussing his personal experiences while working with the bus drivers during and after the strike.
“The media made the workers look like criminals,” he said, referring to the four bus drivers at the heart of the strike. “They’re called ‘alleged ringleaders’ and ‘grousers’.”
Mr Wham discussed the tactics he and his colleagues used to gain support. They organised a petition and approached international non-government organizations like Amnesty International and Frontline Defenders, which made statements of support. They also released filmmaker Lynn Lee’s video that showed the bus drivers making allegations of torture as part of their advocacy movement.
“Proper (feedback) channels were not effective,” Mr Wham said, arguing that they did not address the workers’ concerns.
This activity caught the attention of the government. “I felt like I was reliving the 1979 Marxist conspiracy,” he said.
When the drivers were arrested, he and Ms Shelley Thio went to bail them. They found themselves followed by unidentified people and cars. Mr Wham said the surveillance was “quite brazen”, and he took photos of the cars and posted them on his Workfair blog.
“I don’t know who they were, but I guess they were from the Internal Security Department,” he said.
It was only the beginning. He said he suspected their phones were being tapped. He saw “a big black van with the engine running” outside Select Books, where the activists working with the drivers had their first meeting. Later, Mr Wham decided to go to Hong Kong to hold a press conference. Two days after buying the plane picket, Chinese language newspaper Lianhe Wanbao claimed he was going to Hong Kong to attend a protest instead, citing an Internet post.
“Only a small group of us discussed it at home,” Mr Wham said. “I think this was an attempt to tell us that we were being followed, that we shouldn’t go too far.”
Mr Wham and his friends took countermeasures. They kept groups as small as possible and kept their phones switched off in meetings. But they still noticed people following them.
“This is the new normal,” Mr Wham said. “I see a lot of things being done in which our civil liberties are being violated.”
A portrait of the man
Ms Shelley Thio, Executive Committee member of Transient Workers Count Too, was up next, speaking of her interactions with one of the drivers, Mr He Junliang.
“He was an idealist,” she said. “He felt emotional about discrimination against PRC workers. He talked about discrimination compared to the Malaysian workers. I found it fascinating: the PRC workers would be satisfied if they were paid Malaysian standards.”
She said Mr He wanted to reach out to people, so he wrote articles on Baidu describing the workers’ plight. “Everybody was talking about it, only he did something.”
Of the 29 workers who were repatriated, she said most of them had only worked for less than a year. They returned home poorer than before, leading to strained relationships with their families. Most of them still have not found jobs in their homework.
“He felt responsible for what happened,” she said. “He said, ‘I never thought this would happen. I never thought this would affect so many lives.”
The legal framework
Mr Choo Zheng Xi, co-founder of The Online Citizen and lawyer to the four workers who led the strike, was up next.
“This case terrified a lot of us,” he said. “The police seemed particularly interested in the SMSes between Lynn and me. Now I’ve been singled out as the lawyer who unhelpfully did not assist with investigations. I feel like there’s a target on my back.”
He was referring to a press release by the Ministry of Home Affairs. In response, he said, “We had a cordial meeting in the internal Affairs office. Someone in MHA did not agree.”
Elaborating on his experiences later, Mr Choo said, “It’s alarming for me to see how threatened the establishment felt. I didn’t quite expect that. What’s so wrong about a strike? We need to reconsider whether strikes are taboo.”
Discussing the purpose of unions, he said, “The point of a union is to collectively bargain on your part.”
However, the unions did not stand up for the Chinese workers. The collective bargain that had been reached between NTWU/NTUC and SMRT explicitly exempted temporary temporary and contract employees. The Chinese bus drivers were hired on renewable two-year contracts, effectively excluding them from labour rights protection.
Mr Choo then brought up Singapore’s last ‘illegal’ strike in 1980, in which 15 pilots went on strike after negotiations broke down between the union and their employers. They were granted an absolute discharge, with the judge saying, “They have been punished enough.”
“If they had union protection, the bus drivers would likely have gotten a fine,” Mr Choo argued. Talking about legal requirements to give 14 days’ notice before going on strike, he added, “What is criminalized is not giving appropriate notice. It’s an idiotic thing to expect a foreign worker to do. The boss will tell him, ‘you’re fired’.”
What could have been: the defence
In the final presentation, lawyer Mark Goh discussed how his firm would have handled the legal defence had Mr He and his compatriots chosen to go to court instead.
The Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act, he said, was a ‘strict liability offence’. Its objective was to maintain public order, so the intention behind not giving 14 days notice would come into play.
“The objective of a strike is important,” he said. “It is a last resort instrument…to force a collective agreement. It is illegal if it is for political purposes, solidarity or other purpose.”
Mr Goh said he would have launched a technical defence based on this interpretation, which he argued was in line with international norms as well as Parliamentary interpretation. He highlighted speeches made by Messrs Lee Kwan Yew and David Marshall in Parliament that supported this argument, saying that the purpose of the bill and the 14 days’ notice was to prevent infiltrators and hotheads from inciting strikes for political or other purposes.
“The prosecution has to show that 14 days’ notice was not given and that the strike was for some other political purpose,” he said.
Mr Goh estimated that this argument would have a 50-50 chance of winning an acquittal.
Closing remarks
In the Question and Answer session that followed, the speakers moved on to other related topics, such as civil rights, discrimination and legislation.
Talking about civil rights in Singapore, Mr Samydorai said, “The act of speaking out in public is seen as a wrong, not a right. Why are Singaporeans afraid to ask for their rights?”
“Discrimination by nationality in still in practice,” Mr Wham said, pointing out that Mr Lim Swee Say, Secretary-General of NTUC, explicitly supported this practice. “He said salaries for the PRC bus drivers were a lot of money in China. If we pay your drivers by household expenditure, then shouldn’t Singaporeans be paid a lot more too? There is no logic to this argument.”
An audience member asked about pressing for anti-discrimination legislation. Ms Thio said, “We should advocate for anti-discrimination legislation.” She further argued there should be representatives of migrant workers as well. “Civil society has to work together and push forward to work with the state to push for an anti-discrimination bill.”
“We have to go further than asking for changes in the law,” Mr Goh said. He recounted his experiences in India, where in spite of legal protections, workers were still exploited by their companies. “The corporations have to change. Corporations will always exploit workers if they can. It’s just business. An alliance of consumers needs to ask how products or services are delivered instead of just buying cheap.” By just going for the cheapest product, the consumer is indirectly supporting discrimination.
Mr Leong Sze Hian asked, “The cost of a Chinese worker is 25% cheaper than a Singaporean. Why should an employer hire locals?”
To this, Mr Wham responded, “This is not about local versus migrant workers. If migrant workers won’t be exploited, locals will not be displaced. The moment you underpay migrant workers, you undercut local workers. If workers don’t feel respected, why would they work hard for the company?”
Expanding on that, Mr Goh said, “Foreign workers are like cheap drugs. Companies do not want to invest in productivity if they can hire foreign workers. Some of the blame is on SMEs for not wanting to invest in advanced equipment.”
In his closing remarks, Mr Samydorai added, “Why are we looking differently at each other? I think the basis of human beings is us respecting each other as equals. What is preventing us from treating each other as equals?”
Jamus Lim argues why Jobseeker Support Scheme is the PAP’s version of unemployment insurance
In a Facebook post, Workers’ Party MP Jamus Lim rejected PAP’s claim that the JSS isn’t unemployment insurance. He explained WP’s redundancy insurance plan, emphasizing shared responsibility between employers, employees, and the government. While noting concerns about dependency, he argued these fears are exaggerated, stressing a balanced support approach.
SINGAPORE: Associate Professor Jamus Lim, Workers’ Party Member of Parliament for Sengkang GRC, has offered his take on the SkillsFuture Jobseeker Support Scheme (JSS), which he describes as the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) equivalent of unemployment insurance.
The JSS, unveiled with more details during Prime Minister Lawrence Wong’s National Day Rally speech on 18 August, has sparked comparisons with the Workers’ Party’s own long-standing proposal for redundancy insurance (RI), first introduced in its 2006 manifesto.
In a 12 September Facebook post, Assoc Prof Lim emphasised that the WP had been advocating for a redundancy insurance scheme for almost two decades, providing substantial details on it in their 2016 policy paper.
“We’ve been thinking about the issue for a while now,” Lim stated, adding that the WP’s proposal has been part of global best practices for advanced economies for nearly a century.
Assoc Prof Lim dismissed the PAP’s argument that the JSS is not unemployment insurance.
He pointed out that the differences the PAP cites—such as JSS being tied to job-seeking conditions and funded from general revenue rather than payroll taxes—are inconsequential.
“Tax revenue is fungible, so it all comes from the people anyway,” Assoc Prof Lim explained.
He argued that funding the scheme from general revenue might even make it less equitable, as it could potentially shift the burden onto non-workers to subsidise workers.
The Workers’ Party’s version of redundancy insurance, Assoc Prof Lim highlighted, envisioned a shared responsibility between employers, employees, and the government to ensure fairness and sustainability.
“We do believe in tripartism,” he remarked, underscoring that society should bear the responsibility for protecting its workers.
One of the central points in Assoc Prof Lim’s critique was that tying financial support to job-seeking efforts is standard in unemployment schemes globally, including in Singapore.
Assoc Prof Lim Addresses Concerns of Dependency, Calling Them Overblown
He acknowledged concerns that such a scheme might lead to dependency, but deemed these fears exaggerated.
“Most people, even in the West, do find value and meaning in some form of work,” he noted.
In discussing the design of unemployment insurance systems, Assoc Prof Lim pointed to the importance of balancing the duration of support with the amount provided.
While too long a tenure or too large a payout could discourage a return to the workforce and allow skills to erode, too little would leave workers struggling to cover household expenses during critical periods.
The WP’s redundancy insurance proposal included a payout of 40% of the last drawn income for up to six months, which Lim described as a “solid-but-not-excessively-generous” sum.
Although this amount is lower than what is typically found in advanced economies, and the duration is shorter than the OECD average of one year, he highlighted that it reflects Singapore’s shorter unemployment spells of around two months.
Assoc Prof Lim also suggested the introduction of greater flexibility in accessing redundancy insurance funds.
By allowing the unemployed to “front-load” their payouts, households would have more breathing room to adjust their expenses during difficult transitions.
With the JSS set to be debated in Parliament, Assoc Prof Lim reaffirmed the Workers’ Party’s commitment to advocating for expanded safety nets for Singapore’s workers.
“Whether you call it JSS or RI or something else, expanding the safety net for our workers is something that the Workers’ Party will always be fighting for,” he concluded.
Halimah Yaacob proposes classifying platform workers as employees for enhanced protections
Former Singapore President Halimah Yaacob hailed the Platform Workers Bill as a “good start” for protecting gig workers but suggested a simpler approach: classifying some platform workers as employees for automatic labour law, social security, and union protections. She emphasised that the current system, which leaves workers bearing all risks and costs, is unsustainable and adversely affects their future and families.
SINGAPORE: Former Singapore President Halimah Yaacob has lauded the recently passed Platform Workers Bill as a “good start ” in protecting gig economy workers.
However, she suggested that a more straightforward approach would have been to classify platform workers who meet certain criteria as employees, thereby granting them automatic coverage under labour laws, social security protections, and union representation—an approach already adopted by some countries.
In her Facebook post, Halimah acknowledged the Bill’s role in addressing the vulnerabilities of platform work.
The legislation, effective from 2025, mandates increased Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions for platform workers and provides enhanced work injury compensation and representation through union-like associations.
The parliamentary debate on September 9 and 10 centered on the distribution of costs—whether they will fall on platform workers, companies, or consumers.
Concerns were raised about the potential impact on consumers and the financial burden on platform companies.
Several MPs expressed worries about discrimination against workers who choose higher contributions and advocated for expanding the law to include other platform services such as domestic cleaning and caregiving.
Senior Minister of State for Manpower Koh Poh Koon reiterated that the protections are meant to level the playing field for businesses and ensure fair competition, while also preventing platform operators from passing the costs unfairly onto consumers or workers.
Madam Halimah highlighted how platform work can distort the pricing of goods and services, with consumers expecting low-cost, fast deliveries.
She noted that if platform workers were classified as employees, the costs of their protection—such as for sickness, business downtime, and social security—would be borne by employers and partially passed on to consumers.
She said It’s then up to us to decide whether to make use of such great convenience but at a certain price.
“It’s then up to the companies to properly factor in their costs to remain competitive as all other businesses are doing. It’s all about the business operating model that has fundamentally changed with the availability of platforms.”
Madam Halimah argued that since platform workers are essentially employees subject to company conditions, they should receive the same protections as other employees in terms of health, social security, and business downtime.
She pointed out that platform workers have been shouldering all the risks and costs, which is not sustainable and affects their ability to secure homes and plan for the future, impacting their families and future generations.
She also discussed the negative aspects of information technology and algorithms, referencing a case from a US fast-food chain where algorithms disrupt workers’ rest periods based on fluctuating customer demand.
The Platform Workers Bill defines platform workers as individuals who provide ride-hailing or delivery services for an online platform and are under the platform’s control.
According to data from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), there were approximately 70,500 platform workers in Singapore in 2023, accounting for about 3 percent of the workforce.
This total includes 22,200 taxi drivers, 33,600 private-hire drivers, and 14,700 delivery workers.
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