By Terry Xu

Singapore Lawyer Ms Gloria James-Civetta will be representing the family of deceased American scientist Shane Todd at the Coroner’s Inquest into his death pro bono.

Ms Gloria was initially approached by father of Shane Todd to engage legal service for the inquest. Feeling sympathetic towards the family’s cause, she then offered to represent them pro-bono.

The Todd family claim that Shane was murdered because of the sensitivity of projects he was working on at Singapore’s Institute for Micro Electronics (“IME”), and that his death was covered up to make it look like a suicide.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore said in an earlier statement that all information gathered by Singapore Police Force has been kept from the public, as investigations are still ongoing. And that a public Coroner’s inquiry would be carried out to lay out the facts so as to determine the cause of Todd’s death.

The Coroner’s inquest is tentatively scheduled on 13th may 2013 where the family of Shane Todd will also be present in Singapore to sit in.

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处长曾在得标公司PCI任职 600万元记录器招标是否涉利益冲突?

为了协助找出冠病患者曾接触人士,主管智慧国计划的外交部长维文,在六月初宣布政府将推出首批“合力追踪”穿戴式配备。 这些记录器的功能,与“TraceTogether”手机应用程序一样,当记录器或安装了应用的手机出现在附近时,双方会交换和记录蓝牙信号,追踪哪些人曾近距离接触,但不会记录人们所处的位置。 至于供应30万个“合力追踪”记录器的合约,则由本地一家电子公司PCI赢得,政府为此支付600万元。每个记录器价格约为20元。 合约是在在5月14日通过有限招标(Limited Tender)方式发出。这意味着政府只有一个预先指定的供应商,或者只邀请有限的几家竞标。这类竞标是针对攸关国家安全、或保护知识产权而不公开招标的项目。 不过有趣的是,政府科技局(GovTech)旗下人生旅程应用(Moments of Life)处长陈君浩,在2014年7月至2018年9月,曾是上述PCI公司的高级副主席。 陈君浩是在2018年才离开上述公司,接手政府科技局目前的职务。 为此,本社曾在本月24日下午2时,致函政府科技局,询问有鉴于陈君浩过去曾在此次涉及招标工程的公司任职,此项目是否有涉及利益冲突问题? 对此政府科技局表示,该局招标评估委员会由四人组成,陈君浩也是成员之一,不过他并非委会主持大局者。后者是给予他的相关设计制造领域的经验而受委。 该局也指出,他们也有考量陈君浩过去曾在PCI任职,但经过酌量后认为并没有利益冲突,而他过去在设计制造领域的参与,也不会影响他在评估委会的表现。