Media Release from Aware

On Thursday, 14 February 2013 (12.30pm-1.30pm), AWARE is set to stage a flash mob at Raffles Place Green to rise in solidarity with the worldwide One Billion Rising movement.

One Billion Rising

“One Billion Rising is a global strike to end violence against women and girls. On Valentine’s Day this year, one billion men and women from over 200 countries are going to take to the streets – dancing, singing, and joining hands – to demonstrate the power of numbers, and the commonality of women’s struggles around the globe. One billion people taking a stand is symbolic of the one billion women in our world who suffer from violence at any given moment.

A ‘rising’ can be anything from a flash mob, a theatrical event or a dance-off to more political gestures like a public demonstration or a street rally. In Indonesia, activists and volunteers are organizing risings ranging from talk shows to classes on self-empowerment techniques. Hong Kong, Philippines and Thailand have chosen to adopt dance events. Meanwhile, some cities in the UK are using yoga and fitness events to communicate the anti-violence message.

In Singapore too, volunteers and activist groups are rising in solidarity with others around the world to contribute towards the one billion target the campaign hasadopted. One Billion Rising Singapore will unfold over the next two days at different public spaces across the island.

AWARE is proud to be a participant in the One Billion Rising movement. On 14th February this year, we are taking a stand against sexual harassment. Between 12.30pm-1.30pm , over 50 volunteers will freeze for one minute at Raffles Place Green to demonstrate their support for victims of sexual harassment.

AWARE’s Helpline records and research studies over the past four years show that workplace sexual harassment is a growing, yet invisible problem in Singapore. Unlike other top business cities in the world, Singapore doesn’t have specific laws to protect victims of workplace sexual harassment.

SHOUT! (Sexual Harassment OUT) is AWARE’s campaign to OUT Sexual Harassment. The main goals of the campaign are to make sexual harassment visible by getting people to speak out against it and to call for better laws and corporate policies through a public petition.

By staging a flash mob on V-Day, we hope to spread awareness about the difficulties faced by victims and garner support for this campaign.

So rise with us, freeze with us and SHOUT! with us to end this and all other forms of violence against women.

Singaporeans in other parts of the world are also joining the Rising wherever they are.”


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