This is a translation of forum post began by free planet go (自由世界go), now recognized as He Jun Ling, on Baidu’s forum Mr He was charged final Thursday for his role in the SMRT strike.

You should not have forgotten what happened in front of your eyes – a handful of months ago, SBS improved wages for Singaporeans, Malaysians(Malaysians are mentioned as Malays in the text) and Indians. Only the wages of the PRC drivers were not increased. Hundreds of SBS PRC workers gathered and ** (this is censored in the original version, but there is lead to to think it was strike or protest) and had Boon Lay Interchange went into a standstill SBS right away enhanced the PRC drivers’ pay by $ 75 dollars. Although It is not considerably, but it really is what was gained by fighting for it. In other words, if not for the SBS PRC drivers, the PRC drivers at SMRT may not have gotten the $ 75 dollar boost – their spend may possibly even be lesser.
Even much more recently, Singaporeans and Malaysians have had a wage increase of 50 dollars , which is posted up in every interchange – I guess every person currently saw that. Damn it, ‘PRC bus drivers excluded’ once again – it pisses me off just hearing the words ‘PRCs bus drivers excluded’!!!
Every person really should have noticed the schedules by now – overtime has been finding lesser, and no possibility to do shifts on rest days, far more buses to drive, and more shifts… But the general schedules have been so unethically changed. (direct translation: with out ethics, without having morals) Even though many might still have overtime, but do not be as well happy – in the delegation division, there are close to 70-80 hours of overtime slots, but only a handful of is awaits you, this would probably further worsen (This is a certainty with no getting to feel about it). Things are now not happening in our favour – we feel it, but we have not totally understood the seriousness of the predicament. A five day perform week can turn into a 6 day operate week – there are many who may well feel this is good, following this they will take away your day-to-day overtime and let you work an additional day for absolutely nothing, by then you would not say that it is a great thing.
If the quantity of function days can be so effortlessly changed, not to mention the quantity of hours per day. those who are on standby, may really feel say that it is ok that you nevertheless can earn overtime – how would you know if they would not adjust the operating hours for the standby drivers? The scenario is always changing – they see that you (PRC bus drivers) are that easily manipulated, so it would not matter if they do it more.
Who is the culprit for all this? All since of SMRT, what is the management doing?
Why do they employ so several of us when they never truly need to have so many drivers – conning us more than from China to let us argue/fight inside ourselves? Our wages level is very low operation cost to the SMRT. They would rather employ a lot more standby drivers, than to bear the circumstance of not sufficient drivers! What is the most essential point? That is they have already observed by way of the traits of PRCs that we are not united, straightforward to manipulate, and low cost to employ. Everyone think about this on whether is this accurate?
As I could not sleep for the late evening, the a lot more I feel the more I really feel frustrated, sat up and complain a entire lot, the sound of me typing on the keyboard may well have interrupted my colleagues’ rest. (These are the living conditions that SMRT gives – how can to evaluate with SBS? Sigh!) The sky is getting vivid and the sun has risen. I never know whether or not each and every one has understood. Regardless regardless of whether you operate or not, sleep or not in the night, the sun still rises in the morning. The sky will not fall, We will not keep quiet when we see our brothers and sisters in distress, when its time to lend a hand, we will lend a hand – there will often be blood shed (censored but likely word used)when one particular is alive.
Requests (My private opinion, it’s not actually exhaustive and merely a guide, so do hope the rest will add on:)
1) Standard wages.
(at the extremely least, equal to that of the Malaysians)
two) Bonuses
(they really should give us what we deserve)
3) Operating hours like Overtime and Rest
(It cannot be in such a way that when the business ask us to do, we have to do. While when we ask to do, there is only one word, “No”. There ought to be suitable arrangements, with even distribution.)
four) Clear and Concise Weekly tabulation of wages
(A clear indication of which day is which day for the tabulation of weekly overtime wages. Even when we contact to enquire, either we cannot get our calls by way of or the person who picks up say they do not realize)
five) one hundred service awards, 130 safety awards.
(On what basis can you deduct just since you say so? Previously, the method of having a money jar would benefit those who function difficult, even distribution and also promote safety. Why did you wantonly modify the technique, deducting (salary) without significantly consultation, to be frank,  who this cash (money jar) belong to is never ever particular. With this technique removed, would the company feel it could enhance the service level of the bus drivers by  deducting the salary of the drivers, and in no way pondering of how to enhance the satisfaction level of the bus driver, to increase their service to the clients, at least their emotions would be far better. Using only penalty and no reward, this is precisely how management operate in Singapore.)
6) Work accommodation conditions
(To enhance residing circumstances, if they do not think the residing condition is bad, I would like to invite a couple of personal from the HR division or supervisor to inspect. On how the morning and evening shift drivers can rest effectively)
Reasonable and spirited colleagues must act! Beckoning all to take MC on the 26th, and Tuesday the 27th. MC (with or with no pay) does nothing to disadvantage your self, and just cost you a couple of tens of dollars. But for us, these handful of tens of dollars can’t be measured against safeguarding of our personal dignity.
Please spread the word within 1 an additional, to spread wide to inform – do not worry these who may possibly betray us.
Please convey the message to who do not know of this on Monday morning, at the entrance of Ang Mo Kio and Woodlands dormitory, insist on not boarding the staff car. For those who are apathetic towards our cause, we really should not appear down nor scorn them, as their conscience will pick on themselves.
This relates to the advantage of absolutely everyone, everybody must therefore participate. Join the QQ group: 185268576, do not be afraid of these who might betray – If you are fearful of what could occur, you can by no means accomplish anything.
Original Post by He Jun Ling

诉求(个人拙见,我想不了那么多那么全,只是个引导作用,就看大家的了): 1、基本工资。(起码与马来人看齐)
5、one hundred服务奖、130安全奖。(凭什么你们说扣就扣了,之前的钱箱钱制度就还可以多劳多得,公平分配,可以保障。你为什么乱改明目,说扣就扣,太随便了吧。说白了这个钱到底是谁的还不一定呢?去掉钱箱钱,公司觉得是不是可以更好的提高车长的服务水平,你们怎样想的都。光想着怎样扣司机的钱了,没想着怎样给车长提高满意度,以便更好的为搭客服务,最起码心情会不一样。只罚不奖,这就是新加坡企业的管理之道啊)

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