Please note that HRH The Duke of Cambridge delivered the following speech this evening at the Welcome Dinner hosted by President Tony Tan at the Istana.

 "Thank you, President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Mrs Mary Tan for so generously hosting us on this, our first, visit to Singapore.

We are excited, and delighted to be here. This wonderful occasion is all the more memorable because our visit is undertaken on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, in celebration of her Diamond Jubilee.  Before we left London, my Grandmother told me how very warmly she remembers her three State Visits to this remarkable Country in 1972, 1989 and 2006; and she told me how much we would enjoy seeing Singapore, and meeting Singaporeans.  How right she was.  Mr. President, Her Majesty sends you, your wife, the Government, and all the people of Singapore, her very best wishes.

2012 has been a landmark year for the United Kingdom.  The Diamond Jubilee has been a celebration of The Queen’s exceptional dedication over sixty years.

Her service has not just been to the peoples of her Realms, but to the whole Commonwealth Family, of which Singapore is such an important member.  I should like to offer my particular thanks to all in Singapore for your contribution to The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust.

2012 has also been unforgettable for those in the United Kingdom because it has been the year in which we have played host to the Olympic and Paralympic Games.  These have provided us with wonderful sporting events.  They have also reminded us of the shared excitement and pleasure we can all feel when the nations of an often divided World come together to celebrate extraordinary feats of human achievement.

The United Kingdom’s journey to the Olympics started here in Singapore in 2005.  It was then that the Games were awarded to London.  So thank you for being very much part of our Olympic story.  And let me take this chance to congratulate you on the achievements of your own athletes at the Games, particularly the Women’s Table Tennis Team who won two medals at this Olympics, a first for Singapore. Congratulations, too, to your inspirational Paralympians including Laurentia Tan whose bronze and silver medals in the dressage make her Singapore’s most successful Paralympian.

For Catherine and me this year will also be special for the privilege of making this trip on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen.  We are fortunate indeed to be with you here, and to have the chance to see for ourselves the great Singapore success story.  What you have done, and become, is admired around the World.  And we are delighted that the relationship between the UK and Singapore is now as close as it has ever been.  The high level visits in both directions, including yours Mr. President, to London earlier this year; the strong trade and investments links; the expanding scientific and educational ties; and our close defence cooperation, all make this a particularly close friendship and partnership. Catherine and I greatly look forward to learning much more, and seeing much more, during our stay here.  Thank you for making it possible.

I would now ask you all to rise and to join me in a toast to The President of the Republic of Singapore, and to the people of Singapore."

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缩短车程达55分钟 地铁跨岛线直穿自然保护区

自2013年宣布兴建跨岛线,经咨询公众与自然爱好组织,陆交局决定沿着自然保护区底下“直接”跨岛。 交通部宣布,有关跨岛路线的研究方案将于明年开始,可能会需要两年的时间完成研究。该项决策已权衡各项因素,包括不同利益相关者,以及对破坏环境的评估,决定采用直达的方式。 但相较其他方案,该决策直达的方式能让新加坡人减少至少六分钟的通勤时间。目前从白沙到裕廊,搭地铁和巴士需约90分钟,有了跨岛线,可缩短到约55分钟。 此外,由于路线较短,民众也可以支付较低的票价,也为纳税人的建筑成本减少约20亿元。 “就长期而言,这是一项更具环保的选择,因为其能耗更低”,陆交局表示。 在地底穿过自然保护区建造的直透路线全长约四公里,经过新加坡乡村俱乐部、中央积水自然保护区、以及泛岛高速公路。其中两公里隧道将建在麦里芝保护区底下。 然而针对自然保护区的建设,新加坡基础设施统筹部长兼交通部长许文远表示,调整路线时曾一度陷入胶着状况,因为自然保护区是新加坡较特殊的部分,他感谢自然团体的建议和理解,并承诺在项目研究与建设时,持续与他们合作。 据悉,其绕道路线沿着自然保护区边缘建造,全长九公里,深45米,其中更需避开主要设施如环线隧道、汤申东海岸线地下隧道、深隧道阴沟系统及高压电缆隧道等。 其隧道最深达70米左右,犹如25层楼组屋,并全程以花岗岩石层挖掘,减少施工造成的震动,以及避免土壤移动。 许文远表示,跨岛线对于需要经常通勤至跨岛的民众而言是非常重要的,大大提升了他们的生活质量。 “跨岛线也会对其他地铁枢纽线如裕廊湖区,以及盛港、榜鹅与后港的按单建屋新地区都有着重大影响,至少能够满足一百万人次通勤需求。” 据了解,在咨询期间,若干自然组织针对建设所带来的影响提出异议,并表示若未能采取缓解措施,其动植物的生态环境将会遭受破坏。…