Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mr Goh Chok Tong have indicated that they will accept my offer of composition of $30,000 to annul my bankruptcy.

I will be working to raise the amount to pay to them as quickly as possible primarily through the sale of my books. I would also like to appeal for donations from supporters to aid the process.

I hope that this settlement with Mr Lee and Mr Goh will mark the end of a chapter of Singapore's politics marred by defamation suits against opposition members. I look forward, as I am sure all Singaporeans do, to a new era where political discourse is dominated by substantive debates on policies and ideas of how to take our country forward.

Singaporeans want, and deserve, a politics that is truly befitting of a First World country. Detention without trial, criminalisation of legitimate political activity and defamation suits have no place in a Singapore that needs to be democratic, confident and forward-looking.

The SDP is committed to working towards a new politics in Singapore and we have shown this by offering coherent and comprehensive policy plans, conducting dignified forums on "sensitive" issues and attracting Singaporeans of intellectual and professional gravitas.

I look forward to being formally cleared of my bankruptcy so that I am eligible to stand in the next general elections in 2016 and lead a party that would rival the PAP as the potential ruling party.

For more information, please visit

Dr Chee Soon Juan

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