By Leong Sze Hian

I refer to the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) reply “Increased subsidies help offset fee hikes: MOH” (Straits Times, Sep 4) to Edwin Lim’s letter “Homes shouldn’t undermine levy” (ST, Aug 30), and the report “'Streamline subsidies’ for patients” (Channel NewsAsia, Sep 3). 


Increase subsidy, but fees increase to any amount?

The former states that

“Whilst nursing home providers have the autonomy to set their fees, responsible providers do consider the impact of higher charges on patients and families.

Some fee increases may be unavoidable, as the operating costs have risen over the years”.

What this means is that nursing homes can increase their fees to whatever amount they like.


Passing the buck to VWOs?

As to

“The MOH has increased subsidises for nursing home care and absorbed the goods and services tax for subsidised patients from July to ensure that nuring home care remains affordable”

With the maximum subsidy of 80 per cent for the lowest income patients, what this means is that one has still to pay the balance 20 per cent of whatever the newly increased fees are, unless the Voluntary Welfare Organisation (VWO) nursing home is able get sufficient donations.


How many pay less, pay more?

With regard to

“In fact, most subsidised patients in these homes will see either no change, or even a decrease in out-of-pocket payment”

What is “most subsidised patients”?   – 51, 60, 75 per cent of the total number of subsidised patients?


What about non-subsidised patients?

How many non-subsidised to subsidised patients in total?

How much more do they have to pay?


Do much more to achieve what?

In respect of

“The foreign worker levy changes reflect a larger national effort to reduce our dependence on foreign workers and raise productivity, MOH works closely with the nursing homes to enhance their productivity and efficiency, and attract locals into the sector.

In March, MOH outlined plans to invest $21 million over the next five years to support continuing and advanced skills training in the intermediate and long-term care (ILTC) sector.

We will also invest up to $96 million to fund ILTC providers’ productivity initiatives, including job redesign to create jobs suitable for housewives and retirees to take up on a part-time basis”

It may be akin to saying we will do this and that, and spend more, but without any mention of any benchmarks to measure how successful we are in achieving what?

For example, what percentage of the workers now are Singaporeans?

What is the percentage increase that we are trying to target?


Will pay go up too?

What are the current salaries of the workers?

In this connection, some workers were actually paid between $850 to $1,350, and worked for a total of 55 hours without being paid any overtime (“Nursing home guilty of licensing violations”, Straits Times, Sep 4).

If full-time workers are being paid $850 to $1,350, how much will housewives and retirees working part-time get?

Unless we look towards increasing the low-pay of the workers, most of the MOH’s measures may not be of much help to Singaporean workers.

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律师入禀高庭申请 强制公积金局准丈夫储蓄救患癌妻

人权律师拉维于今日(7月10日)在脸书更新近况,表示他的律师团队已经入禀高庭,以申请强制令要求公积金局,准许印裔丈夫苏利亚把自己的公积金储蓄,转移给妻子作抗癌医疗费用。 此前本社报导,苏利亚希望能治好妻子的病,向中央公积金局申请,将自己的普通和特别户头存款,转移到妻子的保健储蓄(medisave)户头,好让妻子能继续抗癌。但是,公积金局拒绝了苏利亚的要求。 47岁的印裔妇女莎若吉妮在2016年底被诊断患有卵巢癌,自此他们一家也饱受煎熬,财务状况也陷入困顿。如今莎若吉妮的癌症病况已进入第四期。 莎若吉妮的丈夫苏利亚,也将寻求法庭诠释,《公积金法》第18(D)条,阻止他使用普通和特别户头储蓄转移到妻子的保健储蓄,作治疗用途,是否涉及违宪。 拉维也呼吁各界善心人士慷慨解囊,捐款助莎若吉妮抗癌,助他们一家度过难关。相关的捐款链接:…/help-me-to-save-my-wife-life-who… 罹癌后莎若吉妮日益消瘦,从原本体重76公斤降至36公斤,而每次的化疗疗程就要1万6000新元。他们的保险可支付70巴仙费用,但仍需负担余下30巴仙的4800元。再者,常年来也累积拖欠约6万200元的医疗费。 此外,苏利亚还有19岁儿子的升学费用要负担,但目前他们仍未接受任何政府公共援助。 为了治病和住院,莎若吉妮公积金积蓄所剩无几,而且如今已动用丈夫的保健储蓄,没有多余的钱来应付医疗开销。 莎若吉妮是在私人医院接受治疗。“此前曾前往国立大学医院征询第二意见,但是后者只是建议:尽量带你妻子到能让她感到开心的地方,也意即他们没有把握医好我。” 她说别无选择下,她只能回到伊丽莎白私人医院就诊,她强调她不是为了奢侈享受,而是该医院至少尽力确保她能活下去。 丈夫苏利亚在接受采访时表示,公积金局不赞同让他提取普通和特别户头的存款,作为治疗妻子的医疗费用。 “即便我告诉他们,我的保健储蓄已经用光了,但他们有条例需遵守,仍不同意我使用上述户头存款。”…